Saturday, October 23, 2010

The ultimate service that we can do
Oh Lord, is to minister to You
There are many Martha’s in the Body we know
Troubled and busy, running to and fro
But You Lord want us to guard ourselves and be wary
For You Lord preferred the ministry of Mary
The woman that anointed Your feet – You did not rebuke
So often we see this message of Biblical Truth –
Oh Lord we should busy ourselves with ministering to You
Bring us to that place
Where You’re able to erase
All our selfish ways
That keep us apart from You
And this thing we will do –
From Ezekiel 44:16
We’ll take our cue –

And Lord, we’ll minister to You!

Ravage my soul, Lord
Take full control, Lord
May this moment be
Yours completely

Ransack my heart, Lord
Take it apart, Lord
Then put it together again
Rend me, then mend

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...