Saturday, October 2, 2010

We Were All Teenagers Once

Sometimes the Teenage years just aren’t so easy
Your kid’ll do stuff that just makes ya queasy
But sometimes when ya just wanna pull out your hair
When they dress so funny ya can’t help but stare
Just remember mom and dad – you were once there

So go easy on the kid – he ain’t backslid
He’s just feeling his way, testing’ what ya got to say
So when sometimes ya feel like yer kid is a dunce
Hey, remember, we were all teenagers once!

So when his grades aren’t quite up to par
Just give her hope and she’ll go far
Or when she crashes your car
Don t react too hard –
So the kid flunked a test, dad
Don’t get too upset, don’t get too mad
Just remember as you’re freakin’ at the lad
As you raise your voice, as you start to shout
His brain might be out to lunch
But we were all teenagers once!
How’s he gonna learn without makin’ mistakes?
How’s he gonna know just what it takes –
To be a man?
Unless you show some compassion?
Unless you show him the plan?
So when yer kid feels like a chump –
Remember pop, we were all teenagers once!


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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...