Thursday, November 18, 2010

Well, today marks exactly one year since I started this blog. So to celebrate, I'm going to deviate from the normal prophetic poetry and share a few words the Lord has shared with me, over the next week or so. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed hearing them. God Bless you from South Korea, Chris

God told me to “tell My people there are giants in the land. And these giants are mighty. Many of them are so powerful, they cannot be defeated. They are so strong and stubborn, they will not be moved”
He then told me to tell you, His people, that the giants He is referring to are YOU, His people! He said you must learn to look at yourself the way He sees you. In His eyes you are a giant, in the enemies’ eyes you are a giant, the only one who does not see you as a giant is YOU! The enemy should be a grasshopper in YOUR eyes and believe me, he fears YOU! He will flee from you when you resist him, from the third heaven, from the heavenly place in Christ Jesus! From there, you can’t lose! From there, satan is truly under your feet. Study Ephesians one and two again. See your self from God’s perspective. In fact, learn to see everything from His perspective. I hope this book has been as much a blessing to you reading it as it has been to me writing it. I hope you have encountered your God in a more meaningful way as a result and I hope it has inspired you to seek him with your whole heart. I love each and every one of you and I am so grateful you have spent time with me, through the pages of this book, in pursuit of Dad’s presence, of which there is nothing more satisfying in this life and the life to come.
In Christ, forever,
Christopher Michael Waxman




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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...