Thursday, December 30, 2010

The God I Know

She'd been a prostitute in her former life
The one she led before she met Christ
She came to him with no one to blame
"My daughter" he said, "I'll take all of your shame"
"To me, I see you as clean and brand new
pure as a virgin, through and through
Now come my child, rise and serve Me"
and she accepted his invitation, joyfully.
So she went to her pastor, her church, her denomination
with her heart full of joy and celebration
Till they told her you're not worthy to serve the Lord our God
because you were a prostitute, you'll forever be at odds
Only those of us we deem worthy -
who have always been in our eyes Holy,
may serve the God of Eternity
With her heart broken by man once again
She felt abandoned and forsaken
Oh my sister when He calls you - rise up and go!
For the God they serve is not the God I know

When Timothy met God he couldn't help but reveal
To all he met the joy he could not conceal
He was an evangelist from the start
for God had mightily touched his heart
and all who met him soon knew God is real
But as he went to his elders for their approval and commendation
all he got from them was condemntion
You're too young, too inexperienced,
too uneducated, rebellious and headstrong
You must submit to us or you'll get it all wrong
They quenced his zeal, stopped up his flow
made him sit on a pew, wouldn't let him go
For all you Timothy's out there
don't let them steal your share
of the Glory and Grace God on you bestows
for if there's one thing I do know
The God they serve is not the God I know

They drive more people to Hell then they save
through their godless, religious ways
They don't enter in and prevent others too
flee from their midst or they'll ensnare you
in their cage of religion and throw away the key
and then you'll never know your God granted destiny
the leadership God uses to place you under his care
will always with you God's mind and heart share
They'll serve you - not lord it over you
of this you can be sure
their love for you will be Holy and pure
With one motivation guiding their hearts
to present you to God a pure and mature bride
and for you they'll lay down their lives
As a father would for his son or daughter
that with you they may please our heavenly Father
Equipping you     to go and do
all He's called you to
They'll bear his fruit
they'll reap and sow
for they are sent
by the God I know...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...