Sunday, December 26, 2010

What if you stopped one step short of the finish line?
What if you survived, made it through alive, only to find -
You're just one step short of the finish line,
you've one more peak on your mountain to climb?

You never know what the next day will bring
You never know when you'll quit breathing
You never know when through your struggle and your tears
You'll see the finish line drawing near.
So my friend please keep this in mind
You could be just one step short of the finish line
with just one more peak on your mountain to climb.

So don't give in to that thought
"it's just too hard to go on"
Don't find your self bein' caught
singin' that devil's song -

take that step, then the next one
and soon you'll find your journey's done
when forever you'll dwell in the light of the son
where your burdens lifted and your war is won
oh yes, you've won, oh yea, yea cause you didn't quit
yes you didn't sit, you didn't forget
the next step
the next breath
you passed the test...
you're eternally blessed

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...