Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cease from your own labors

"I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh when NO MAN CAN WORK. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world". John 9:4&5
Since Jesus departed this earth in his physical form, he now works through us by his Holy Spirit, but for us to do his works, the works of the Father we must cease from our own. The night Jesus referred to is here. We are in a time when no man can work, or should work, the works of man. Rather we should be doing the works of God. We are in essence in a prolonged Sabbath day, spiritually. The Sabbath is all about resting from our own labors and when we enter his kingdom, when we abide in Him, when we are filled with his Spirit, we must cease from our own works. Religion is full of the works of man. WE MUST REST FROM ALL THAT COMES FROM US, from our own labors, apart from him. "For he that is entered into HIS REST, he also hath ceased from his own works as God did from his" Heb:4:10.
We must labor to enter into that kind of rest. Unbelief produces a christianity that says "you must do everything yourself" because God isn't able to do anything through you and cannot do anything apart from you where as the truth is we cannot do anything apart from him. Christianity as a religion espouses a God who is dependent on man whereas Christianity as a relationship espouses a man who is totally dependent on God. Unbelief compels christians to do good works in order to please God because they cannot believe God could be pleased with them solely based on what Jesus did. They feel they must add something to the finished work on the cross, hence religion is full of do's and dont's. They have been trained up in the carnal, fleshly way of the world, which is the opposite of God's way, which says you must earn my love by your behaviour.
Jesus pointedly said that to do the work of God, all WE must do is believe him. Our belief in him enables him to do as he pleases with us. A true believer becomes a true conceiver of what the Holy Spirit wants to birth and do in any given city or country. Our belief in him is from him anyway, as it is the Holy Spirit who reveals Jesus to us and it is Jesus who reveals the Father to us. He is the author and the finisher of our faith. So our "work" is of the Spirit entirely and comes out of our spirits entirely yielded to him. not out of our flesh. Our flesh will manifest whoever our spirit is yielded to. If the Holy Spirit does not have the preeminence among us, then flesh will exalt itself, causing Religion to result, all of which is rooted in pride, all of which is dung. Relgion stinks! Jesus! We clothed the poor, visited the sick, prophesied in your name! Yet Jesus' reply to them was - you did it all apart from me. I never knew you. Seemingly "good works" apart from him, inspired by and done by us, cannot truly be good for he alone is good. Jesus himself did only what he saw the Father doing and spoke what he heard the Father speak, and so must we honor the Father in this way.

Jesus only healed one man at the pool of Bethesda. We would have wanted to heal everyone there. Yet Jesus only touched one. At other times he did heal everyone, why not then? Because Jesus was completely submitted to his Father, and he only did what his Father instructed him to do. Apart from him, "good works" declare to God that we can decide what is "good" and what is "evil". They show God that we are still eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil rather than from the Tree of Life. It is all of Babylon, exalting man, declaring to God "look God, see how good we are! We really don't need you, only your name, to legitimize all we do". Clearly Jesus stated "NONE IS GOOD" Mt:19:17. The whole family tree of mankind has become so corrupt that when man claims to be good, he is actually claiming to be god. When man try's to prove it by doing "good", this is an affront to God, a slap in his face, an insult, basically saying to God - "why did you waste your time dying on that cross? We're good enough don't you know?" As Christians, fully submitted to the Holy Spirit, our good works glorify our Father before men. Why? Because we are doing HIS works and not our own! Our sanctified, laid down, humbled hearts will give him complete glory and honor for any good that comes from us BECAUSE HE IS THE SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND NOT WE OURSELVES.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...