Friday, February 25, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 50 KJV verses twenty five and twenty six part two

God will always confirm and establish every word in the mouth of two or three witnesses and it's no different with this word against Babylon. Witness these passages from Isaiah 13 in light of what we've been reading here in Jeremiah - "The burden of Babylon which Isaiah the son of Amoz did see. Lift up a banner on the high mountain (of pride, the cloak all in Babylon where). I have commanded my sanctified ones, I have also called my mighty ones, even them that rejoice in my highness (the opposite of pride). The Lord of Hosts mustereth the Host of the battle, they come from a far country, to destroy the whole land. The day of the Lord is at hand, it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty, to lay the land desolate and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. AND I WILL PUNISH THE WORLD FOR THEIR EVIL AND I WILL CAUSE THE ARROGANCY OF THE PROUD TO CEASE AND BABYLON, THE GLORY OF KINGDOMS SHALL BE AS WHEN GOD OVERTHREW SODOM AND GOMORRAH, HER TIME IS NEAR TO COME, HER DAYS SHALL NOT BE PROLONGED".
I say to you this day, these scriptures are coming to pass in your sight. The days of Luke 17:28-30 are very near for Jesus is again referring to the judgment and fall of Babylon, as these verses in Isaiah testify. We can clearly see Babylon is a WORLD WIDE PRINCIPALITY, affecting everyone, everywhere. In both Isaiah and Luke, he likens her fall to that of Sodom and Gomorrah, making their destruction a prophetic sign to all who are alive on earth today.
Again, God says he is bringing a host from a far country. Those God will use to judge and destroy Babylon will not come from within her borders, they will be those who are free of her influence and control entirely. We cannot remain in Religious bondage and try to set our brothers and sisters free, we will only end up back in bondage ourselves only this time convinced we are free when in reality we are worse off than before. I've met many who are in religious, denominational churches, who tell me they are free of religion but remaining in their church to try to reach their brethren. My people, unless God places you in jail, like he did Paul and Silas, you should get out and from a position of freedom, try to rescue others. Usually it is apostles or prophets that have the anointing and mandate to go into prison to rescue the captives from inside the prison.
"Come out and be ye separate" says the Lord 2 Cor:6:17.
But as to these passages from Isaiah, chapters 13 and 14 are must reading for a serious study and understanding of Babylon, as are certain passages from Revelation, especially Rev: 17&18. These chapters are God's judgments on spiritual Babylon while the passages in Jeremiah are his judgments against natural Babylon. Ultimately though, all authority and power in the spirit realm has a corresponding effect in the earthly realm. That is why when God destroys Babylon in the Spirit, the result will be plagues, earthquakes, utter destruction by fire and flood, here on earth in the natural. The natural realm is often a mirror of the spirit realm.
As we journey out of Babylon to Jerusalem, we can't take anything from her with us. Remember the man who kept the gold and silver and the Babylonian garment after Jericho's destruction? (Josh:7:21). He lusted after the glory, the ways of Babylon in his heart. The glory of Babylon is money. No wonder pastors under her sway spend so much time and attention on money. This man is a lesson to us - as God uses you to destroy Babylon (Jericho is a type of Babylon here), do not lust for or try to posses any of her riches. The man lusted after Babylon in his heart, the lifestyle, buying and selling, material possesions, money, and he wanted to look good outwardly. Those caught in Babylon are caught up in pride and the worst form of pride manifests itself as Religion, so we see Religion is a prideful way of approaching God, a system of relating to him void of true humility. In Revelation 17 we see that the woman, the great whore, is "decked with gold" Rev:17:4, in other words, she is layered with gold outwardly whereas the bride of Christ, the New Jerusalem is pure gold, through and through (Rev:21:18). A true disciple of Christ belongs to him completely; he loves him with all his heart, mind, soul and strength. A tare among the wheat will look and sound like a true disciple but will honor God with his lips only because their hearts are far from him. Their seeming love for God is only skin deep, it doesn't extend to their hearts. Everything they do is an outward show to impress people, to convince them they are godly. Man looks on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart. They will honor their fellow saints with false handshakes, hugs and smiles (sometimes they won't even give these) but their hearts cannot knit together in love with the wheat saints because their hearts do not belong to God. If you are a wheat saint and you try to knit your heart together with a tare saint, your heart will be bruised and torn as a result, because a tare saint's heart is hardened so much that even the love of God can't pierce it. But when a wheat saint knits their heart together with another wheat saint there is great joy and celebration in the Spirit at finding another saint with like mind and heart, full of the Holy Spirit, who has shed his love abroad in their heart. There is great joy in earth and heaven at the fulfillment of Jesus' high priestly prayer in John 17.

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