This blog is my effort to share God's mind and most importantly, heart, as He shares them with me. I make a genuine effort to commune with Him daily and hear from Him. .Some poems are from Him to me, others from me to Him but all revelation shared is, I pray, from the Holy Spirit and not my carnal, soulish opinion. Please comment as you see fit. He is calling us all into His Holy of Holies.....let us all respond to his divine invitation for intimacy with a heart felt YES! SOS 2:11
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
The Lord shall rule over you
One of those in the Bible who got it right is Gideon, though he later made mistakes. Still, God listed him in the "Faith Hall of Fame" found in Hebrews chapter 11. See, just like the Christians today, Israel put their eyes on the world and wanting to emulate them they desired a man to rule over them. God's desire was to rule over them himself, with aposltes and prophets being the chief revelators of his will. Instead, Israel insisted on a king. They wanted Gideon but look closely at Gideon's reply - "Then the men of Israel said unto Gideon - rule thou over us both thou and thy son and thy son's son also, for thou hast delivered us from the hand of Midian. And Gideon said unto them - I SHALL NOT RULE OVER YOU NEITHER SHALL MY SON RULE OVER YOU, THE LORD SHALL RULE OVER YOU" Judges 8:22&23. Many of today's denominations started just this way. God used a man in some way, anointed him to bring wisdom and deliverance to people, so they put him on a throne above them and rallied around that man, whether he be Luther or Wesley or Calvin, etc. In truth, every single leader of God's people today should have this same heart. Any one God uses to bless his people, to bring deliverance or healing or prophecy, must say the same. And notice that the Israelites had fallen so far away from God that they actually thought it was Gideon who had delivered them! They thought their deliverance came from a man! How sad and yet today the whole Churchianity system of pastor as ruler in the local churches stems from people's desire to have a man rule over them, to the point where they believe THEY MUST HAVE A PASTOR to survive as a Christian. God never put pastors in charge of the local assembling of the saints, they were meant to be a part of an apostolic team of elders set in place by God himself, not man. Aposltes and prophets have governmental authority in the Body, then teachers, evangelists and pastors and until we recognize this truth and submit to it, the local churches will never become who they are destined to be. Of course pastors, being fleshly and carnal, like the current system and most will refuse the truth presented here, that they must come under apostolic and prophetic authority. I have had pastors tell me just that,that they are indeed the head of every local assembly and apostles must submit to them. This is a scriptural travesty and it comes from a doctrine of devils. In fact, most denominations today do not even accept that apostles and prophets exist today, how convenient. Another doctrine of devils embraced by apostate denominational churches. Apostles and prophets are like the oil and gas in a car, without which none of the other three headship ministries can function properly. Why do you think the churches are so weak and divided across the world? Where the local church is strong, truly making an impact in their community, you will find an apostle somewhere in the background, I guarantee it. They may not call him an apostle, or recognize him as such but an apostle is nonetheless what he is. Where the churches are weak, there is a void of apostolic and prophetic anointing. And may I say, just having large numbers of people attending a church does not mean it is a godly place, blessed by God. All leadership in the Body today are being set free from Babylon's grip so that they may set their people free. If they refuse to be free themselves they will find themselves outside the walls of the New Jerusalem forever. So leader, whoever you may be, if this epistle has come to your attention, take Gideon's stance and declare to your fellowship, "I WILL NOT RULE OVER YOU BUT THE LORD SHALL RULE OVER YOU". Leader, your place is to serve them, to lower yourself among them, not lord it over them. Selah.
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