Thursday, February 3, 2011

Man is the beast when he dwells apart from God

As with all the prophets, Ezekiel clearly reveals God's loathing of the worship and idolization of man, and look, society today is as full of it as they were in Ezekiel's day. We truly worship and are obsessed with our own image today through TV and movies. Movie stars are idolized from afar as our billions we spend each year on movies and entertainment can testify. Millions spend their whole lives on the pursuit of entertainment, on self pleasure. Truly we are "lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God". It must be an abomination to the Father, seriously, that we spend BILLIONS of dollars every year (in America) just to entertain ourselves. I believe Hollywood is full of sorcerers and witchcraft. I personally do enjoy movies but we must all be very careful which ones we allow in to our hearts and homes.
Look at Ezekiel 16:15-18 (sounds eerily like Rev:17:4&5) - "But thou didst trust in thine own beauty (Satan's original sin) and playedst the harlot because of thy renown and pouredst out thy fornications on everyone that passed by, his it was. Thou hast taken fair jewels of My gold and My silver, which I had given thee and madest to thyself IMAGES OF MEN and didst commit whoredoms with them. And tookest thy broidered garments and coveredst them and thou hast set MINE oil and MINE incense before them".
Remember, God is not speaking here to the pagan, lost peoples of the world, but to his very own chosen ones. Like they did in the Exodus from Egypt with the golden calf, they took the blessing of God and made an idol out of it. They worshipped the gods of the world around them, the golden calf was an Egyptian deity and in Babylon they worshipped man! They were becoming very sophisticated in their idolatry in going from a calf to "images of men". Did not Nebuchadnezzar set up a giant image and command all in his kingdom, Babylon, to worship it? This image was most likely an image of man, of Nebuchadnezzar, for like the Roman ceasars, the king was worshipped in Babylon as a deity. All in Satan's kingdom will be forced to do the same thing in the end for Satan desires to take all that rightfully belongs to God and when man worships his own image it is Satan who triumphs.
The giving of oil and incense symbolizes the giving of the anointing and prayers to this Babylonian system of the exaltation of man. Look at Rev:13:8 - "All that dwell upon the earth shall worship him (Satan, the dragon) whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world". There is no neutral ground. Everyone on earth will either worship the beast or the Lamb and those in the churches who are false, who are tares, will give their gifts and anointing from God and their prayers to this false religious spirit of Babylon.
Look at verses 17 & 18 - "and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom, let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast, for it is THE NUMBER OF A MAN". Satan's mark, his means of enslavement is to mark us with us, with ourselves, with man! His goal is to lift us up and exalt us, to get us to worship US, thereby destroying us forever for this is the exact sin Satan himself committed, the sin that got him thrown out of Heaven. One might say Satan is an expert at rebelling against God, at sin, and all sin is his fruit in the earth, and all sin is rooted in self-exaltation, namely, Pride. We could say sin stand for Self Indulgence Now. So we see that Satan's fruit in our hearts is to lift up self, not Satan outright. When man exalts and worships man (or woman), he falls neatly into Satan's trap.
Just think about all the time we spend staring at our own image on TV and in movies. What we give the most time and thought to is often what or who we worship.
Psalm 73:22 - "So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee".
Psalm 49:12 - "Nevertheless man being in honour abideth not: he is like the beasts that perish"
Apart from Christ, we are no better to God than beasts.

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