Friday, March 18, 2011

Jeremiah 51 verses ten and eleven

"The Lord has brought forth our righteousness, come and let us declare in Zion the work of the Lord our God". This is referring to Jesus "The Lord our Righteousness" (Jer:23:6) and his finished work on the cross. Even as we are declaring "Babylon's fallen" we are declaring "Zion is rising", we are declaring in Zion the work of the Lord our God. Even as we battle against Babylon, with a sword in one hand we are building up (new) Jerusalem with a building tool in the other (Neh:4:17). Even as we see Babylon wherever we go, as we learn to recognize her foul stench, we keep our eyes on the prize of our high calling in Jesus Christ, we keep our focus on the New Jerusalem. The very name of our Lord, JESUS, comes from the hebrew word "Yhowshuwa" and literally means "Jehovah saved" or "the self existent, eternal One frees us to be safe, to deliver us, to defend us, to bring about our Victory". Isn't that wonderful? Especially in this day when deep darkness covers the earth. Yes, we declare in Zion the mighty salvation of our God! The question is, saved from what? From Babylon, Satan's kingdom on earth! You are thinking, from sin. Right? Well, Babylon is the kingdom of sin on the earth today and Satan is it's king. He first led mankind into sin and he is now seeking to keep us there. Come out, saith the Lord, and be ye separate!
"Make bright the arrows; gather the shields; the Lord has raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes for his device is against Babylon to destroy it, because it is the vengeance of the Lord, the vengeance of his temple". We are his temple, Hallelujah, and he will avenge us for every tear of suffering we've ever shed. "Vengeance is mine, I will repay saith the Lord" (Rom:12:19). This verse should send every sinner on earth to his knees, crying out for mercy. "Rejoice over her thou heavens and ye Holy Apostles and Prophets, for God hath avenged you on her" (Rev:18:20). The heavens will rejoice because she will no longer invade the spirit realm with her stink and once the spirit realm is cleansed of her presence, the natural realm will follow suit. Satan was cast out of heaven, the spirit realm but has now gained access again through us, that is fallen mankind. The only way to cast him out again is to cast him off of us and out of us and give ourselves completely to the Holy One, our wonderful God. After Babylon's judgment, things will be as pure as God originally meant them to be, in both heaven and earth. This is why when it's all said and done, God creates a new heaven and a new earth for the former are just too soiled by the presence of Satan and his ways, his sins, which most of mankind have embraced. Regardless, God is perfect and just in all his ways and he will not let his saints go unpunished. But he singles out his apostles and prophets in Revelation 18 because above all, they have suffered at the hands of Babylon's king and his subjects. Think about it. How many churches do you know that openly embrace apostles and prophets? That honor them and give them a place to stand and minister the Grace and Anointing God has imparted to them? I thought so. Very few, if any at all. We should weep before the Lord for this grievance and cry out to him to forgive us and ask him to send to us his holy apostles and prophets without delay. I am available to travel during the month of July if anyone reading this would like to extend an invitation. But wherever they come from, you who are reading this should desire thier ministry, for without apostolic and prophetic anointing you cannot be freed to become who Christ has appointed you to be. At least you who are reading this have this blog and hopefully other sources of Apostolic and Prophetic anointing. Actually, very few are able to handle the "meat" found in this blog, most so called christians are only able to handle milk and will choke on this. But some will digest it and grow and mature so that the Holy Spirit can begin to impart deeper revelations to them. I rejoice for this. If God has spoken to you while you read this blog, if he has given revelation, please share it with me. Perhaps I will pass it on in this blog.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...