Thursday, March 31, 2011

Jeremiah chapter 51 verse 44

"And I will punish Bel in Babylon, and I will bring forth out of his mouth that which he hath swallowed up: and the nations shall not flow together any more unto him: yea, the wall of Babylon shall fall".
I praise God for this scripture for it is referring to souls being delivered from bondage to Satan. HalleluJah! This is the ministry Jesus referenced when he said he had been sent to "preach deliverance to the captives" (Lk:4:18). That which Bel (Baal, Satan) has swallowed he will vomit back up, like the fish did with Jonah, he will expel the souls he trafficked in! (Rev:18:13). Baal was a Babylonian god that offered his followers pleasure (entertainment), fleshly pleasures in exchange for worship. His name literally means "Master, husband, Lord" and truly Satan is all of these to all who submit their souls to him. In fact, Babylon is to Satan what the New Jerusalem is to Jesus - his bride! "Not everyone that saith unto me Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven but he that doeth the will of my Father" (Mt:7:21). My personal theory concerning all those deceived by the deceiver is that each of them are they who were predestined by God's foreknowledge to be ones who would turn from the truth to a lie, anyway. I don't believe Satan can rob God of a single soul. I believe all who would believe on Jesus and receive eternal life will do so. I've even seen God go to incredible lengths to reach people, amazing stories of God's great grace. All who end up believing they are married to the Lord but are actually married to Satan I have to believe this was a choice they made, maybe not consciously, but from their hearts (remember man looks on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart). IF we call Jesus Lord but do the will of the father of lies, we will not enter into Jesus, that is in to the rest of God. Many have caused great harm and suffering in the name of Jesus. Hitler used his name. Like the Jews in Rev:3:9, many in the Church today say they are christians but are not, for they lie. They really belong to the "Synagogue of Satan". Nevertheless the day is coming when God will "deliver out of his mouth that which he hath swallowed up"! Many currently deceived by Satan are destined to be set free, are destined to come out of him completely, to leave Babylon forever! Hallelujah! They shall know the truth (Jesus) and the Truth shall set them free!
And the "wall of Babylon" shall fall just as surely as Jericho's did. Some years ago, around 1995, God gave me a vision of a mighty river. He told me "this river is my Spirit in the midst of my people". Then he showed me a huge dam blocking the river. He told me the dam is "the religions of man". He showed me man's ways, man's religions, stop his Spirit from flowing in the midst of his people. The dam releases the flow according to Man's wisdom, man's timing, in little trickles if at all. In other words, man is in charge of it, in control. In some places the river hasn't flowed for a very long time and they are parched and extremely dry and thirsty. And the dam is hard. Religion hardens human hearts so nothing of God's Spirit can get through. As I beheld the dam, a tiny crack appeared. Then another and another till I saw a tiny leak and the Father said "that's Toronto". Then another leak appeared and he said "that's Pensacola". Then another appeared and another till the dam was full of leaks.
GOD was showing me the daw was soon coming when his Spirit would begin to spring forth from his people all over the world AND NOTHING SATAN'S KINGDOM OF RELIGION CAN DO WILL STOP IT. The whole massive religious machine man had built with Satan's backing and wisdom, to prevent God's will from being done in the earth, was weakening until I saw the entire dam collapse and I immediately heard the Spirit say "AND GREAT WAS THE FALL THEREOF". I knew this was in scripture somewhere and later found it in Mathew 7:27. This parable also aptly describes God's kingdom verses Satan's with the simple difference being in God's kingdom HIS WILL IS DONE, not just heard and talked about. Again I ask you, does your church demonstrate the Kingdom of God? Is there prophecy, healings, miracles, above all LOVE? As I saw the dam collapsing the Holy Spirit warned me, do not gloat over churches caught in Babylon, enduring judgment but rather pray for them, for "even as I judge the pastors and churches caught in religious bondage, even as their world crumbles around them, many will turn to me with all thier hearts and be saved" at the last moment, like the thief on the cross and the jailor whose jail (church) crumbled around him to dust.
I believe that dam God showed me is the very same wall God speaks of here in Jeremiah 51:44. Thank God that even now it is weakening all over the world and even now beginning to collapse. I believe everyone reading this blog will come out of Babylon completely, as FREEdom is lovingly ministered to their hearts, furthe weakening the wall which SHALL FALL! If you're wondering at all if you or a loved one are in Babylon or not, this blog is a great tool. If you can receive the truth herein with gladness, if you rejoice to read this revelation, you are free or nearly free. If you reject these truths, if you cannot accept the premise in this blog, you are still in Babylon and need to come out to deliver your soul! Break the wall around your own heart now, if it isn't already broken. Let him crack your hardened heart till a leak appears, till his SPirit begins to flow in you, out of your belly. Come out and be separate precious one.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...