Sunday, March 13, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 51 verse five

"For Israel hath not been forsaken, nor Judah of his God, of the Lord of Hosts; though their land was filled with sin against the Holy One of Israel".
How apt a scripture to describe the Church today - spiritually to God what Israel is naturally. Of a truth, everything that has happened to Israel in the natural has happened to the Church in the Spirit. The story of Israel in scripture and indeed on to today IS THE STORY OF THE CHURCH. "To the Jew first and also to the Greek" (Rom:1:16) is a principal God abides by. In other words, they, the Jews, are his proto type, or model, for all mankind to follow and learn from. But there is a greater tie between the Church and Israel than with the rest of humanity. They are destined to be one in Christ, together making up his Bride for eternity. He has not forsaken Israel today and replaced them with the Church. Rather, they experience his will in the earth in the natural first, then it happens to the Church. No wonder we should be praying for Israel! For example, Israel wandered in the wilderness of the world for almost two thousand years till 1948 when they miraculously became a nation again. Ressurected from the dead so to speak. In the spirit realm, the Church mirrored Israel, wandering without an identity or home. Scattered. This is when the majority of the thousands of denominations formed. But since 1948 a dramatic change has taken place in the Church (not in the denominations) but in true believers - God began to restore the five fold head ship ministry in 1948. First, in the fifties, evangelists. Then in the sixties, pastor, then in the seventies, teacher, eighties, prophets, and finally in the nineties, apostles.
Another example, right after Israel had a war, in 1968, the Holy Spirit was poured out in what has become known as the "latter rain" movement.
Israel and the Church are intimately connected and neither can escape it, yet neither as a whole realizes it right now. To summarize: everything that happens to Israel today is a prophecy, a first fruits event that directly affects the Church. And even here in Jeremiah 51:5 God states he hasn't forsaken Israel or Judah, so today we see he hasn't forsaken his Church, the saints, the called out (of Babylon) ones, tied up in religious bondage around the world, though their land, their flesh, is filled with the sin of following another god. As he mightily delivered Israel, so shall he deliver his people spiritually, today. I believe the last great harvest of souls God will bring into his kingdom in these last days will come from among his people caught in dead, religious churches and denominations, where millions are trapped today, HalleluJah! The jail will be shaken and the jailors and their families will be saved!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...