Friday, March 11, 2011

Jeremiah chapter 51 verse one

"Thus saith the Lord, behold, I will raise up against Babylon, and against them that dwell in the midst of them that rise up against me, a destroying wind".
As with chapter 50, from the very first verse we see that God is AGAINST BABYLON. Here, we have a clear expression of what or who Babylon is from God's perspective - Babylon is made up of "them that rise up against me" and we know that all who are against him will be judged and sent away into everlasting punishment where "there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Luke 13:28). But look closely at this verse - not only does God judge those that rise up against him but also those that dwell in the midst of those that rise up against him!
Christian - if you are in a place of religious bondage, a church or denomination that resides in Babylon and refuses to come out and God opens the eyes of your understanding and calls you out and you refuse to follow him and remain among those in rebellion to him; you will be judged along with them! If you are a wheat among tares and God wants to rescue you, deliver you, separate you and you choose to remain among the tares; when the tares are gathered up to be burned, you'll be burned right along with them! Like the virgins who ran out of oil, you'll be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Complete obedience to the Holy Spirit is the only way to survive these last hours left to mankind. I'm sorry if I'm bursting some religious bubbles here but this knowledge could save your soul. May God's people no longer be "destroyed for lack of knowledge" (Hos:4:6). May the "spirit of whoredoms" (Hos:5:4) no longer defile them. May all of God's people today make a clean break from Babylon, coming out of her completely and not giving God half their hearts while keeping the other half in Babylon.
Many have a false sense of love and devotion, of loyalty. When God opens the eyes of thier understanding concerning their church or denomination, they say "Oh I'll stay in my church so I can win some to God". No saint, get out completely, then try to win some. This is like christian women I've met who meet unbelieving guys and marry them! Their excuse is always, oh I'll make a believer out of him, you'll see. Sadly, this is rarely the case. They usually end up unequally yoked to an unbeliever and they end up with a miserable marriage. If you belong to a whole church full of unbelievers, don't be unequally yoked with them either! If you do, you too will end up with a "miserable marriage" to the Lord!
The "destroying wind" mentioned here is the same one found in Psalm one, verse four - "The ungodly are not so but are like the chaff which the wind drives away". This wind is the wind of his Spirit and he will soon blow over the face of the whole earth, over all flesh, like a mighty hurricane, and all that is chaff, like dead leaves, all that is dead, all that is of sin, of death, all that are dwelling in Babylon because they choose to remain there, will be blown away, cleansed from off the face of the earth as surely as those in the flood were dealt with, till all that remains is in perfect union and submission to our God Almighty, forever and ever, world without end, amen. Think about it, what do you do with the dead leaves in your yard? You rake them up and dispose of them, often by burning them! God is no different. Those he sends to Hell to him are dead leaves, needing to be disposed of. This day, choose life, not death. This day, choose to leave Babylon for the New Jerusalem. This day, set your soul free by obeying the Holy Spirit's desire to set you free from Babylon, from all that is of sin and death on this earth. Selah.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...