This blog is my effort to share God's mind and most importantly, heart, as He shares them with me. I make a genuine effort to commune with Him daily and hear from Him. .Some poems are from Him to me, others from me to Him but all revelation shared is, I pray, from the Holy Spirit and not my carnal, soulish opinion. Please comment as you see fit. He is calling us all into His Holy of Holies.....let us all respond to his divine invitation for intimacy with a heart felt YES! SOS 2:11
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Jeremiah Chapter 51 verse six part two
Getting free of Egypt does us no good if we then go into bondage to Babylon. After all the mighty signs and wonders God wrought on behalf of his people to free them from Egypt, it must have broken his heart to send them into Babylon but he will never tolerate his people following other gods, walking in such pride and arrogance that they leave him and follow man made idols and demonic creations. Sending them into captivity into Babylon was showing them outwardly what had already happened inwardly. In fact, bondage to Babylon, to religious pride and rebellion against the Holy Spirit is than bondage to Egypt because there God's people are deceived into thinking that because they've left Egypt, they are free! If once we accept that Christ is our Lord and Savior, if we go from there, from following the Holy Spirit (for he is the one to lead us to Christ), if we then forsake him and follow another spirit (any spirit that seeks to replace the Holy Spirit is a false, anti-Christ spirit, all demonic spirits try to do this), if we turn away from him, the only one who knows the path of life, do you think we'll make it? Do you think the seventy that turned away from Jesus and quit following him made it? No, only those who refuse to forsake him, who refuse to follow any other Spirit but his, even at the cost of their own lives, only those who say "Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou (alone) hast the words of Eternal Life. And we believe and are sure that thou (alone) art that Christ, the Son of the Living God" (Jn:6:68&69), will make it in. Who were the goats that stood before his throne in Mathew 25? They were ones who thought they were followers of Christ, who thought they were in covenant with him, pleasing to him, while the whole time they were in service to Satan, through the flesh. Satan is just as pleased with "good" works done on his behalf as he is with evil deeds; as long as they are done for him. And in case you don't believe millions of people around the world could submit themselves to a spirit of destruction, just look around the world at the millions of people who smoke or drink themselves to death each year, who take poison (drugs) into their bodies, knowing it will harm and eventually kill them. Satan doesn't send anyone to Hell, he doesn't have that power or authority, no he simply invites souls to join him there. We destroy ourselves and no one else (James 1:14&15). "Wide is the gate and broad is the path that leads to destruction (that leads to Babylon), and many there be that go in thereat" (Mt:7:13). "Many are called but few are chosen" (Mt:20:16). They aren't chosen because they didn't choose to obey the call to come out of Babylon. What is your excuse? But I have to bury my father, but I have to attend to my farm and family, but, but. It's time to get off your "but" and follow Christ. The apostles had no such qualms. He simply said "Come, follow me" and they dropped everything immediately and followed. The first ones in to the New Covenant, the Eternal Covenant, en masse, will be the last and the last ones in, as a nation, the Jews, will be first. We are now in "the time of the Lord's vengeance", we are in the "Day of Judgment of our God". This is prophesied throughout scripture and this day is here. Do you think it's mere coincidence that earthquakes have been increasing dramatically in strength and frequency in the last few years? It's only going to get worse and the only safe place to be on earth is in the Body of Christ.
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