Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Jeremiah Chapter 51 verses 17 & 18

After he gives us his credentials, why he has the right to judge Babylon, because of who he is, he then contrasts man with himself and shows us why man DOES NOT have the credentials to exalt himself, why man should humble himself - "Every man is brutish by his knowledge: every founder is confounded by the graven image: for his molten image is falsehood and there is no breath in them. They are vanity, the work of errors: in the time of their visitation they shall perish". See, all religion, christian or otherwise, is based on man's knowledge. Christianity as we know it around the world is largely based on our knowledge, not of the Bible alone but of our knowledge of good and evil which is the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. ALL denominations distinguish themselves by their KNOWLEDGE of God's word, by their doctrines. They often have the silliest little quirk in their doctrine to justify their separation from everyone else. GOD HAS REVEALED TO US CHURCH CARPETING MUST BE BLUE! ANYONE WHO HAS ANY OTHER COLOR CARPETING IS IN DISOBEDIENCE TO GOD AND THEREFORE NOT HOLY, LIKE US! You may laugh but some of the churches out there are just as silly. The point is, most churches believe they have revelation and knowledge that no one else has, or no one else is following. To God, this is all brutish, foolishness. We can only receive knowledge (to keep us from perishing) as HE reveals it to us, and this comes by knowing HIM for in him "are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Col:2:3). As we follow him, we become storehouses of true wisdom and knowledge from above, which is "first pure, then peaceable, then gentle and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality" (Jm:3:7). God's wisdom is for everyone who will receive it and is not partial to one denomination or another. God's wisdom trancends all earthly, fleshly boudaries men may erect through the pride of having knowledge of God without love. "Knowledge puffeth up" (1 Cor:8:1) but "love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up (with pride) (1 Cor:13:4). Yes, we are the "treasures from which he brings forth the wind". The Holy Spirit is the Wind and he issues forth from us just as he did when Jesus breathed on his disciples and they became alive to him in the Spirit. Just so can we breathe on each other, or he can breathe on us through us or through the laying on of hands.
All that is of man is vanity, empty, death and not life. Just as a woman cannot produce life without a man, so can we not bring forth eternal life without the Holy Spirit. We can produce nothing of eternal worth or value without him. Only the Holy Spirit can lead someone to Christ, using our tongues, our hearts, surely but we are instruments of salvation in his hand, not the other way around. They made idols out of stone and wood, in other words, they worshipped what their hands and minds had made, they in essence were worshipping themselves. We make idols out of our doctrines, our knowledge and so called wisdom of God's word. All of it is vanity, all of it stems from pride and in the day of his visitation, they'll perish, as wood, hay and stubble. His coming will expose every work, every church, and every denomination for what they truly are. Those that are the work of man, built on man's wisdom and ways,will burn and never bear fruit, like the fig tree Jesus cursed. Those that are of God, founded and built by him, will "flourish in the courts of our God" (Ps:92:13).
We must dwell in his house and not one of man's design. If you are dwelling in the wrong house, perhaps it's time you made a move, in the spirit. The Holy Spirit runs the "moving company" that can translate you from man's kingdom to God's and the move is easy for you'll take nothing with you but your soul. All the great cathedrals of the world are testaments to man's greatness and abilities, not God's. If man wants to testify to God's greatness and abilities, he should go and heal someone in Jesus' name, or prophecy, or perform miracles. God's greatness lies in the house he is building "a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building" (Heb:9:11). "Not made with hands" signifies it is a work of the Spirit and not man. All man can do is build these great edifices of stone and glass, only God can build human hearts and souls into a fitting dwelling place for the God as great as he is. Only Jesus can build the Father's house for only he knows how to perfectly please the Father. He proved this every day of his life on earth. Imagine that, not one disappointing day did Jesus live. The "works of our hands", the cathedrals and great buildings most churches are so eager to erect for God's glory, all cry out "look at how great and awesome a work man has done with his own hands and knowledge". This doesn't glorify God at all. All that money and effort to build such fine buildings outwardly would be much better spent on building human souls inwardly. Man won't always see the work we are doing but God sees it all. It would be far better to be "spending on sending" missionaries who have laid down their lives for the sake of the gospel , to fulfill the command to go into all the world and preach (demonstrate) the gospel to every creature.
Protestant building projects are no better than catholic cathedrals with their drain on precious funds and time that could be far better spent invested in the spirit rather than the natural realm. This isn't to say there aren't building programs inspired by God; God knows the tabernacle was one! So was Noah's ark! But I'll tell you this, if God directs a people to build a facility to meet in, He'll provide the funds or just give it to them. They certainly won't have to beg, borrow or steal to build it. The Egyptians will pour wealth upon them as they leave the world and it's wisdom and ways behind. I've seen churches declare that God has told them to expand and build a bigger building, even though they can't fill the one they have, then struggle for ten years and still not be able to build it. Of a truth, he is just as satisfied with "House churches", in fact, he prefers them. He likes being invited into our homes. He hates being limited to a special building somewhere. He hates it when people do not meet with him in their homes but relegate him to a certain time and place each week. He humbled himself to dwell in the Temple for a time and a season but as soon as he tore the veil, he's never looked back. After the veil, he met with them in the upper room, then house to house and heart to heart. We should redesignate all of time as BV and AV, Before the veil was torn and After the Veil was torn.

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