Saturday, April 2, 2011

Jeremiah chapter 51 verse 47

"Therefore behold, the days come, that I will do judgment upon the graven images of Babylon: and her whole land shall be confounded, and all her slain shall fall in the midst of her". God really, really hates idolatry - man trusting in his own strength, worshipping something he made, trusting in his own wisdom to deliver him, man worshipping self on the throne of his heart instead of Jesus. God's hatred for this is found throughout scripture, Mic:5:13, Ex:20:4, Lev:26:1, Dt:5:8, to name a few. But he especially hates it when his own people do it. This is "RELIGION" in a nutshell. When his own people who are called by his name, trust in themselves for deliverance, when they use their own wisdom to come up with a form of godliness that denies his presence, that prevents him from meeting with his own people, that presents an outward shell that appears to be Holy and righteous but in truth is far from it, O how he hates it! For their holiness is of their own devising, according to what they believe is right or wrong. If we do not completely forsake Babylon, with all her religious ways, and learn to know him, to become intimate with him, we will be "slain in the midst of her".
Do all his very clear warnings against Idolatry throughout scripture change the hearts of his people? Most often, NO! Look at the tribe of Dan in Judges 18:30. Look at 2 Kings 42:8, 42:17, 44:9 and so on. The judgment for the tribe of Dan's (whose very name means "Judged"), idolatry, in clear rebellion against God and his will for them, is so severe that they are removed from the common wealth of Israel, never to be heard from again! This is exactly what God warned would happen "that soul shall be cut off from his people, he hath broken My Covenant" (Gen:17:14). Look at Revelation chapter seven. Where is Dan? Does God's warnings of an eternal, torment filled Hell in the lake of fire stop billions from going there? Unfortunately, NO!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...