Monday, April 18, 2011

Parting thoughts

The following is the final chapter from my book "Freedom from Babylon". written in Ireland in June of 2007 -

"During the genesis of this book, written over a three week period in the summer of 2007, hardly a day has gone by without a headline in the newspaper USA Today telling us about another tragedy in Iraq. On April 27th, 2007 I came across this article - "General: Iraq war will get tougher" (US just getting started). Two years into the war there and we're just getting started? The top U.S. Commander in Iraq states that conditions there will get harder before they get easier and will require "an enormous commitment over time" by the United States. This is also true of us, all of us in the Body of Christ today. As we "put ourselves in array against Babylon round about", it will get harder before it gets easier and our commitment to fighting this spiritual war must be absolute and firm. The American general called the war "the most complex and challenging I have ever seen". This is the last, greatest battle we must fight. The next great scriptural event after the fall of Babylon is the Wedding Supper of the Lamb! The general cited some progress but stated "there is vastly more work to be done across the board...we are just getting started", and so it is with us. This book is an opening salvo against Babylon, a sounding of the trumpet in Zion. The Holy Spirit has commissioned me to write it for such a time as this. Moses' anointing is upon me to set my people free! Like Jeremiah, I am declaring freedom and deliverance from Babylon to my people. How sad that the Israelites (also my people) were so mightily delivered from Egypt (sin) only to be taken captive to Babylon (pride)! Do not, dear reader, leave Egypt only to exchange one form of bondage for another! Don't be so proud of the fact you've escaped Egypt that you fail to minister to the One who delivered you. Do not let leadership in your life take your rightful place before his throne of Grace, daily. Revelation without relationship produces Religion, always. An intimate, deeply intimate relationship with our Holy, loving Father is the antidote to religion, is the key to unlocking the door out of Babylon. When you are so in love with him you are willing to SUFFER for him by forsaking all, including your loved ones still trapped in Religion, in Babylon. "So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple" (Mt:14:33). We must forsake all the ways of Babylon, lust for wealth, pride of life, exaltation of self, to follow him. Israel and Babylon are complete opposites, and they are the only two choices for each of us today. You must join one or the other. "Israel" wrestled with God, he strove with him but it was because he was so passionate for God that he would not let him go till he received his blessing, the blessing only God can give. Nimrod strove with God also, but it was because he wanted to reject God and cast him away. He wanted nothing whatsoever to do with God and his blessings. Each of us must follow Israel's lead and wrestle with God, be so passionate for him we WILL NOT LET HIM GO until he gives us the blessing only he can give - an eternal life completely free of Babylon and her influence. And after he's blessed us and changed our name, our walk with him will be forever changed and then, after we're prospering, after we're blessed, we turn back to him and say we will not take another step without him. We do not ever forget him. Love for him and from him will deliver us from all that is not of him. Freedom, I say FREEDOM is yours this very moment. It is not enough to simply live, we must live free. Lazarus was raised from the dead but it wasn't until his stinking grave clothes were removed that he was able to live free! Let's allow the Holy Spirit to take all that stinks off of us, off our spirits, off our souls. Let's allow him to blow the chaff of religious stinking thinking far away from us now.

Part two tommorrow, God willing and I live.

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 When you read my writings you're reading the revelations God has shown me, meat i hope, for your hungry heart and soul, but not the mai...