Saul even turns on his own faithful son, Jonathan because he won’t join him in his hate for David. When pastors speak out and reject the Lord’s anointed today, more people should rise up and say “Wherefore shall he be slain? What hath he done? (verse 32).
Chapter 21 illustrates a common occurrence today. When David meets Ahimelech the priest, Ahimelech was afraid at the meeting of David and said unto him – “Why art thou alone and no man with thee?” (21:1) Most pastors today will question us if we are not part of a denomination or church. They cannot believe God sent us or that we are approved of God, if we are not part of a group they recognize. This is a common problem, for like themselves, they seek man’s approval for your ministry and will not accept you unless you are validated by men. Being “alone and no man with us” doesn’t necessarily mean we are rebels, and unfit to minister, wolves in sheep clothing. Jesus himself was abandoned by all but the twelve, and later by all but John. Paul, at one point said “At my first answer no man stood with me but all men forsook me” (2 Tim:4:16&17). “Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me and strengthened me”. No, quite often, when a man or ministry is rejected by the Saul churches of today and he is alone, it is more a sign of that man’s godliness and dedication to follow Christ, even when “all men forsook me”. The sad fact is that many pastors have more faith in the devil then they do in God. They have no problem believing the devil can send in a wolf to devour their flock but they cannot believe God could send in an apostle or prophet, on any one of the five fold head ship ministries, to bless their flock.
As time goes on – more and more people are waking up and realizing the bondage they are in, more and more are leaving religion behind and joining the apostolic and prophetic company of David’s in the wilderness. In 22:2 we see more and more are going outside the camp and coming out and being separate from the Babylonian church system so many are caught in where they drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of devils at the same time.
In 22:5, the prophet Gad counsels David. Here is a sign of true apostolic leadership for they do not despise and reject prophets but rather they listen to them and heed their counsel. They often work hand in hand with prophets to accomplish God’s will. They appreciate them!
As David is drawing closer to God in the wilderness, Saul is drifting further away. In 22:8 he questions everyone’s honor but his own and he falls into self-pity – “there is none of you that is sorry for me”. He is full of fear and delusional, knowing God has departed from him but refusing to admit it. He slays Ahimelech and his house and the whole city of Nob because Ahimelech fed David and gave him Goliath’s sword. If you are reading this and you are a Saul pastor, you are one who has had “Ichabod” written across the door of your heart, know that it is not too late for you, you may still repent and turn the sword, the Word of God, on yourself (as Saul eventually does) instead of against the David’s of this world. You can still repent and “you and your house may be saved”.
Prophetically speaking, the Church is currently somewhere in chapters 23-30 of first Samuel. We are in the wilderness, on the run from the apostate Saul church, the false form of God that denies His power, the religion called “Christianity”. “And Saul sought him every day but God delivered him not into his hand” (23:14).
Jonathan knows the truth. In 23:17, he says to David –“Thou shalt be king over Israel and I shall be next unto thee”. He doesn’t even desire the throne for himself! This is truly “esteeming his brother more highly than himself”. I’m convinced Jonathan has a high place of honor in God’s Eternal kingdom and I’d like to meet him someday. To me, he is one of the most impressive people in all the Bible. Truly humble, he is.
In verse 21, Saul meets some Ziphites and he greets them by saying “Blessed be ye of the Lord”. Those from whom God has departed often carry on as if nothing’s happened. They honor Him with their lips, giving out blessings they don’t have to give, using His Name, counting on the fact the false churches are full of carnal, ignorant, soulish Christians who know not, neither care for God’s true presence or will for their lives. There are churches and whole denominations full of these kind of “saints”, perfectly content in their pride and arrogance to continue till the day they die pretending they know God and are born of Him (some deny even this) when in truth they are far from Him. Yes there are true saints, wheat, inside the dead churches but I tell you the truth – they are being drawn out by the Holy Spirit himself and they are joining the David company of apostles and prophets, giving up comfort, willing to live in caves (we call them house fellowships). The wind is blowing away all that is chaff, all that is dead, out of our lives, including all doctrines and traditions that are of man that in the end, only that which is of Him will remain.
This blog is my effort to share God's mind and most importantly, heart, as He shares them with me. I make a genuine effort to commune with Him daily and hear from Him. .Some poems are from Him to me, others from me to Him but all revelation shared is, I pray, from the Holy Spirit and not my carnal, soulish opinion. Please comment as you see fit. He is calling us all into His Holy of Holies.....let us all respond to his divine invitation for intimacy with a heart felt YES! SOS 2:11
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