Are you asking yourself at this point – how can the one who slew Goliath, who’s done nothing but good to Saul, who has mightily delivered Israel and is God’s chosen one, be hounded and hunted in the wilderness with but a few on his side? Now picture the Church today. Such is the level of deception those bound in religion are living in, though the anointing has departed and they are no longer God’s chosen, they carry right on as if they are. Their foolish hearts are darkened and they cannot see their true condition. Those who belong to Him, who are truly God’s, are cast out and hunted and crucified. “They that will live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution”. From his experience with Nabal, David knows he doesn’t have to come against Saul, God will do it for him. This is why he often pleads his case before God in the psalms he wrote, praying for God to judge his enemies. (26:10). We too, who are prophetic and apostolic, will not attack those who attack us, knowing God will judge between us. When we turn the other cheek, as David did to Nabal, we heap coals of fire on our enemy’s head.
David has numerous chances to slay Saul but he will not. We have the power to curse our enemies but should not. Love doesn’t curse. Let brotherly love continue. Still, the Holy Spirit himself will sometimes rise up in an apostle or prophet and pronounce judgment like He did with Paul did in Acts 13:10&11.
Soon, David confronts Saul yet again, hoping he’ll wise up and see the error of his ways. And he finally does! Believer, never stop reaching out to the dead apostate church, as the Holy Spirit leads, you never know when you’ll get through to them. (26:21) – “behold I have played the fool and have erred exceedingly”. This is a goal of apostolic and prophetic ministry today – to enlighten those whose foolish hearts are darkened. Prophets are often used by God to reveal people’s true heart condition. We want them to recognize truth and repent. We greatly desire this. Would to God we would all know the true condition of our hearts.
In chapter 27, Saul finally quits chasing after David. May this day soon arrive for us! David is still fleeing from place to place, avoiding Saul. Know this – a lot of moving often takes place when we are fulfilling our Divine destiny. In verse eight, Davis goes to fight an enemy that shouldn’t even be there. The Joshua generation before him should have wiped them out. We often have to battle family curses or demonic strongholds that our parents or ancestors allowed to take hold of us. They should have defeated them but didn’t. David actually goes and takes refuge in the enemy’s land for awhile, even feigning madness. Meanwhile, Saul is showing why he was judged and found wanting – fear of man. In 28:5 – “he was afraid and his heart greatly trembled”. Fear of man, or seeking man’s respect or honor, has destroyed more churches and pastors than anything else. It is why Jezebel can influence them and why they’ll listen to Satan but not God for Satan “savourest not the things that be of God but those that be of man” (Mt:16:23) When Jesus was going to sacrifice himself in obedience to the Father, when He was on his way to DENYING HIMSELF, Satan, through Peter tried to rebuke him and get him to preserve his own life selfishly, to value his own flesh above the souls of all mankind. This is exactly what Satan tries to get us to do today, and there are plenty of churches out there that will let you preserve and pamper your own flesh till the day you die, never fulfilling your God given destiny to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and pick up your cross and die (to self) daily.
Saul even consults a witch to try to bring Samuel’s spirit back from the dead. Some interesting thoughts arise here – the witch says in verse 13 – “I saw gods arising out of the earth”, could she have seen the resurrection? Didn’t Jesus remind us he said in the law “ye are gods”? Also, Samuel confronts Saul, rebukes him and prophecies his death! So he is still operating as a prophet after he dies! Do we also retain our ministry, after we die? Is what we are now going to be what we are in Eternity? If so, you’d better get cracking at fulfilling your call! Certainly, in Revelation, the twelve apostles of the lamb continue as such for they become the twelve foundation stones of the New Jeruslaem.
Remember, God is always working for our good. In chapter 29, when the philistine lords prevent David from fighting with them, their rejection proves to be providential for David and his men, for in chapter 30, they arrive home to find their city raided and all their wives and children stolen. The people in their grief rise up against David to stone him (this will also happen to pastors and leaders from time to time, if the people in your care end up suffering).“But David encouraged Himself in the Lord his God” (30:6), so
should we also find our God an ever present help in a time of trouble, a rock of refuge and strength when all turn against us, a strong high tower that we can flee into, the one whom our soul pants for as a deer does for water. The result of David’s faith and the fact he always turns to God when trouble confronts him is found in verse 19 – “David recovered all”. So shall we, so shall we. David proves to be a wise ruler when he declares those who stayed with the stuff get the same reward as those who went to the battle. He also wisely shares the spoil with various cities across the land, helping his cause later when he’s finally recognized as king. Rare is the ruler that gives money back to the people and not just take from them all the time.
The tragic death of Saul and his sons in chapter 31 is a lesson and warning to us all. We must all “consider our ways” (Hag:1:5-7). Religion leaves us empty and always wanting more, it never satisfies. If “ye have sown much and bring in little, if ye eat but ye have not enough, if ye drink but are not filled with drink, if you earn wages only to put it in a bag with holes” then I urge you again to “consider your ways”. If you’re laboring in a denominational church, or any church, and you put forth a lot of effort but rarely win souls, if people attend your meetings but rarely grow up, if “you looked for much but it came to little” then consider your ways. It was those who “obeyed the voice of the Lord their God (through) Haggai the prophet” that prospered. Believe, honor and respect God’s apostles and prophets today and you shall live for God will be with you (Hag:1:12&13). We are in the day of the “famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord” (Amos 8:11). Of your church or fellowship, pastor, don’t let it be said of you “I will not pass by them anymore”.(Amos 8:2). “Surely the Lord will do nothing without first revealing it to his servants the prophets”(Amos 3:7). Heed this word! See today’s apostate church paralleled in the life of Saul, and see today’s true apostolic and prophetic church paralleled in David’s life. See this and live. See this and choose wisely. OUTWARDLY SAUL SEEMED TO HAVE IT ALL AND SEEMED TO BE THE ONE BLESSED BY GOD. HE HAD THE PALACE AND THE POWER AND HE HAD THE RESPECT OF MEN. OUTWARDLY DAVID SEEMED TO LACK GOD’S FAVOR AND GRACE AS HE WAS HUNTED AND HOUNDED AND FORCED TO HIDE IN CAVES IN THE WILDERNESS. DAVID WAS IN THE MINORITY WHILE SAUL HAD THE MAJORITY. WIDE IS THE PATH TO DESTRUCTION BUT NARROW IS THE PATH TO ETERNAL LIFE AND FEW THERE BE THAT FIND IT. ARE YOU WILLING TO SUFFER IGNOMITY, HUMILIATION AND REJECTION IN ORDER TO FOLLOW CHRIST AND NOT MAN?
Choose wisely for “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing – therefore choose life that both you and your seed may live”. “That you may love the Lord thy God and obey His voice and cleave unto Him for He is your life and the length of your days – that you may dwell in the land the Lord swore to give your father Abraham (paradise, Heaven, Eternal Glory and happiness and Joy in His presence). Choose wisely for the result of disobedience is death.
In chapter 31:4, Saul takes his own life. No one can send you to Hell. No one can take your soul. Everyone who ends up there will do so because they made a choice. In their heart of hearts, they made a choice. No one goes to Hell because God rejected them, no, He loves the whole world. No, they go to Hell because they’ve rejected God. Choose you this day to follow your God and not religion. Shake off the religious bonds Satan tries to put you in. Come out and be separate, come my beloved, let us go forth into the field. Make haste, my beloved, set me as a seal upon thine heart, let us get up early to the vineyards, let us see if the vine flourish, whether the tender grape appear, there will I give thee my loves. Rise up my love and fair one and come away. Behold thou art fair my love, behold thou art fair. Who is he that cometh out of the wilderness? It is my David company of saints, pure and undefiled from the world, it is my Bride, who even now maketh herself ready, it is my longed for loved one with whom I shall be forever satisfied. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus, says the Spirit, says the Bride……
This blog is my effort to share God's mind and most importantly, heart, as He shares them with me. I make a genuine effort to commune with Him daily and hear from Him. .Some poems are from Him to me, others from me to Him but all revelation shared is, I pray, from the Holy Spirit and not my carnal, soulish opinion. Please comment as you see fit. He is calling us all into His Holy of Holies.....let us all respond to his divine invitation for intimacy with a heart felt YES! SOS 2:11
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