Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Beggar

Each of us is like the beggar,
sitting outside the rich man's gate
Helpless to feed ouselves,
unable to change our fate.
But if we choose to sit outside the gate of the King of Kings

We'll not be denied
                                       a place inside
but we'll be invited in...
Because our God cares for
the lonely and the poor
and he demands that we care for them too
For truthfully my friend, compared to Heaven's store
we are all beggars,             destitute
Our only position can be
to approach God on our knees
begging "Oh Lord please,  have mercy on me"

And when all us Mephibosheth's have fed at his table and are satisfied
We should listen carefully for other beggar's cries
and invite them too,          inside

Yes, when we   "love one another"
we're simply caring for each poor sister and brother
So share my feast
with the very least
with the thirsty and the hungry,
sell all you have, give to the poor, then come, follow Me...

Yes, we're all beggars, all of us, starving for love
the kind we can only find
in our precious, sweet God above
Now found in our hearts below
so let his love flow
freely let it go
so all in this sick world may know
the King of Love, loves them so.....

Authors note: Truly, we must first give up all attachments and all desire for the things of this world before we can follow Christ. Jesus wasn't being mean to the rich young ruler, he was being practical and truthful. We can't love both God and mammon. We can't set our heart on things above and on things below. If we do, our house (soul) will be divided and it cannot then stand....our foundation is faulty and we will fall...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...