Friday, June 17, 2011

A few thoughts

Today, I thought it would be nice to share a few thoughts. There, I've shared one already. I guess, on one level, every time I write I'm sharing a few thoughts, since all written words originate in someone's mind. So, I guess the distinction between today's blog and most others is that it isn't in the form of a poem or a pre written essay.
The other day, I asked the Lord what he meant when he said if we give a cup of cold water to a prophet or a righteous man, we will not lose our reward. I've never fully understood these scriptures but thankfully I know the one who does. Isn't that true of any questions we might have in life? Really is there any question the Lord can't answer? Anyway, he explained to me that he was telling us to give respect and honor to the prophetic ministry, to those he has called to be prophets and also to respect and honor righteousness and to take both prophecy and righteousness seriously. Do not despise prophecies and do not hate those who walk in righteousness (not self righteousness or haughtiness but in the righteousness that only comes from Jesus himself, through his shed blood). If we accept and bless the prophets and may I say apostles in our midst, if we care for them and if we rejoice in and bless those who are righteous, our reward in Heaven will remain. If we do not then we are in danger of losing whatever treasure we have laid up in Heaven. Wow! That's quite a thought considering I know of so many churches that despise and reject prophets and prophecy. And they reject true righteousness too but cling to the righteousness that comes from man, they are content to have their church leadership declare they are in good standing with God because they do whatever their leadership tells them. They really think showing up at every service and dutifully singing and sitting  constitutes righteousness. Yet they give no respect or honor to truly righteous ones or prophets when they show up in their midst. As if the "service" was theirs to lord over! As if they have the right to decide who ministers what during the "sevice". As if the Holy Spirit isn't the one who should be leading every gathering of believers anywhere on earth they take place...

Speaking of honouring prophets, if you have any respect for me at all, if you've been edified and nourished by these blogs, then please follow the following advice - Go to Itunes if you have an account with them, and buy the album "More than the Watchman" by Marty Goetz. Marty is a jewish believer like myself and let me tell you, he penned and performs on this album some of the most anointed songs ever written, and that includes the songs King David wrote. Really, any album by Marty is worth buying but especially this one and "I call you friend". I rarely give advice of this nature (perhaps I should more often) so when I do, you would do well to heed it. If you don't have ITunes then google "Marty Goetz" and go to his website and order the disc. You can go ahead and thank me later, yes, send me a note telling me how grateful you are that I turned you on to these songs. You will be caught up in the wonderful presence of  the Lord as you listen, for the songs are full of the Holy Spirit who inspired them. How's that for a review? God Bless, Chris Waxman

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...