Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Can I have my rib back?

Lord, I don't mind the woman you gave me
but there are times she's drivin' me crazy
Once in awhile, mind you not all the time
I'd like you to honor this request of mine -
Don't mean to sound like a sad sack
but Lord, could I please have my rib back?

I could do without the nagging and tongue wagging
the jumpin' my case, gettin' in my face,
constant scrutiny - tryin' to measure up to her standard for me -
When things get too far out of whack -
Lord, I'd just like to get my rib back!

Remember how it was?
Just the two of us?
Just the guys hangin' - we never made a fuss!
Just once in awhile I'd like to take this tack -
Lord, can I please have my rib back?

Author's note:  Just a bit os whimsical humor, of course, I really don't want my rib back, do I?

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...