Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Caterpillars and lady bugs and noisy bull frogs

Sunlight through the leaves of trees and moss covered logs
Tadpoles and minnows, crunchy stuff underfoot
To go exploring as a child – wonders everywhere I look!

The feel of the warmth of the sun on my skin
And a pond bottom’s mushiness as my toes start sinkin’ in
Crawdads and fire flies and the smell of a musty wood
Being out doors , Man, it’s just plain good!

There’s a swishy sound you make when you slide your feet on the forest floor
Daddy long legs used to scare me but he don’t no more
I used to just love to lay out and watch the stars
And wonder how anything could be so beautiful and yet so far

Some memories of childhood
Remind me life can be full and good

I want my child’s child years
Filled with laughter and far away fears

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