Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Treatise on Church Growth part four

Instead, each gathering, each time the saints join together as one, it should become a living, breathing intimate union; a love feast! A feasting on, of love, from God to his people, from the people to God and always expressed to one another, a no-holds barred spiritual love-making meeting. The Holy Spirit should be allowed to express himself in any way he chooses. Sometimes there will be teaching (by the way, biblically, preaching is for the lost, teaching is for the saints), sometimes prophecying (almost always there will be prophecy of some form), sometimes healings, sometimes songs rising spontaneously from hearts full of love for God and each other, sometimes dancing, sometimes all of the above and more. Think of the love between a man and wife. When they join as one isnt it often a wild,  all out, nothing held back, almost violent affair? This is as it should be at Church. We can't box in or control our meetings with the Holy Spirit when God is making love to his Bride! Look carefully at the book of Acts. Many times, when the people came together in one accord, when the Holy Spirit of promise showed up in response to the love-plea of his bride, man, the earth shook, a mighty rushing wind blew, tongues of fire burst forth upon their heads, salvations, prophecy, healings, passion, Love flowed freely! God was having orgasms! How wonderful! As his bride, we should rejoice when we please him so! We should ever live to give him pleasure. In our love for him we should hold nothing back from him. We should approach him as Ruth did Boaz, we should become naked before him and lie at his feet, in a position of humility and vulnerablility. We should say to him with all our hearts, here am I, take me as your eternal lover! Selah.

To be continued...
Authors note: When the Holy Spirit gave me the above revelation, back in 1994, I admit I was hesitant to share it.I certainly never spoke it from a pulpit. I shared it privately with a few pastors I knew and every one of them reacted violently, every one of them was deeply offended that I used the words "orgasm" and "God" in the same sentence. I know absolutely that God revealed to me that in the book of Acts, when the earth shook, the wind blew, etc, that he was having spiritual orgasms. The idea that an orgasm in the natural could be a glimpse of a much more powerful and wonderful spiritual experience seems perfectly natural to me. The reason I think those pastors got so offended is that they had carnal minds and not spiritual ones. A carnal mind would think of sex as something dirty or offensive or sinful whilst the truth is God gave it to us as a gift to be enjoyed between a man and wife. Just because sin is pleasurable doesnt mean all pleasure is sin. Thank the Lord, after years of keeping this revelation to myself, I finally met a man of God I greatly respect and when I shared this with him, he wholeheartedly agreed. Suffice it to say, I am sorry if the above missive offended you but please understand God is not offended with it, indeed he is the one that spoke it to me.
                                                         - Chris Waxman

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...