Thursday, September 8, 2011

A few thoughts

First off, I have changed jobs, I now teach at a new school and I do not currently have internet access at the school, so it's harder for me to update this blog. I can do it evenings but I've been too tired to do it but I think I can start back again soon.
Secondly, a few thoughts on the recent disasters to strike the states. Both the earthquake at 5.9 and Hurricane Irene happened within days of each other, both striking the USA in the east. The Lord reminded me that he said "For as the lighting cometh out of the East, and shineth even unto the west, so shall the coming of the Son of man be". Remember, his return will be like the dawn. Though the catching away will happen in the blink of an eye, and lightning is normally a quick event, remember, a day to the Lord is as a thousand years. In other words, what to the Lord could be a blink of an eye, to us could take decades. So the DAY of Judgement of our God, could take decades. I believe it has begun and I believe, concerning the USA, it has begun in the east. I believe the two recent events are a precursor to much worse judgments. They were both warnings in that the potential for disaster was great but we escaped relatively unscathed. Yes, I know, some people lost their lives and many lost homes and possesions but it could have been much worse. Even now, God in his mercy is holding back and desiring many to repent and turn to him. Notice that within the name of the Hurricane Irene is the word IRE. This means wrath, anger. Yet another clue it was a prophetic storm, sent by God. If you don't believe God sends storms and earthquakes, you haven't read your Bible. Suffice it to say, let's all sober up and live as Godly a life as we can, as a testimony to those dwelling in darkness, that many will in these last minutes, turn to the Lord and be saved.

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