Friday, September 23, 2011


I knew my Father once,      I did
Long before I ran and hid
I used to live in a house so fine
and all my Father had was mine

But the travelers would come and tell such stories!
Of wine and women and fleshly glories!
Something began to stir inside me
So much fun was being denied me!

I began to resent my Father's blessings
Temptations came, I went through testings
As I heard more about the world beyond my Father's doors
As I heard tales of distant and exotic shores
This I began to see -
My Father's ways were backwards and naive!

Till the day came when I resolved within my heart
To take my inheritance and from my Father's house depart
So I went to Him, somewhat timidly
"Oh my Father, may I speak with thee?"

As I explained to him my decision
I saw on his face, not derision
But sadness, such sadness I saw within his eyes
As he gave me my inheritance and said     goodbye

I looked at him, and for a moment did hesitate
But then I left him to meet my fate
My older brother looked at me with disdain
I heard him mutter "Father, he's not worthy of your name"

So off I set, not knowing then it was a path to Hell
After all, I had my youth, I had my health
And most of all I had my Father's wealth
I found out quickly that money could buy just about anything!
I was so popular because I bought the ladies pretty rings!
As long as I had money I had plenty of "friends"
but when my money ran out - so did my friends
Then the ones that I took care of - the ones that used me so
Kicked me out into the street and demanded that I go
Penniless, homeless, I desparately looked for work
But was repeatedly told, from hearts so cold, "Get lost ya jerk"
They hated me without a cause - it wasn't till later I realized they had one
See, no matter where I went
No matter how bad the stench
I was still my Father's son!
I didn't know till far too late
All that come from my Father the world hates!

Eventually, I was half starving, I got a job feeding swine
I longed to take just one of the husks they ate and make it mine
The days ran into weeks, the weeks into months
How long I spent there, I'm not sure
The sins I thought would be so fun no longer gave me pleasure
Apart from my Father - all I am is hungry, lonely and I
My Father's lowest servant is much better off than me, I think
Perhaps, no don't think that!
My shame is too great but...
as his slave would my Father take me back?
NO! a voice told me, it's too late -
Your sin and disobedience have sealed your fate.

For far too long I stayed and lived with such abuse
Till finally I decided to return to my Father - what did I have to lose?
So I set off for the long journey home with only my clothes and my shoes

As I neared my Father's lands, I couldn't believe my eyes
I saw my Father running madly toward me while shouting with delight!
He met me and held me and for awhile did not speak
But wept over me as tears of joy ran down his cheek

I cried too but I cried over my own sin,
for my heart was broken within
"Oh Father, if I return, though I've been so depraved,
Father, would you take me in, not as your son but as your slave?"

My Father's reply I will never forget -
"My son - you will never cease to be
and your place in in my house sitting right next to me.
I've longed for and I've watched for this moment to come to pass
When my long lost son would return to me at last".

He turned to his chief steward and said "Kill my best calf"
And said to me -
"Where you were and what you did is all in the past.
You have made your Father proud by returning as you've done
From henceforth and forever you will remain my beloved son"

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...