Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween thoughts

See, here's the thing about Halloween -
it's just a fun day for kids, no what I mean?
If that's what you really believe -
you've been seriously deceived.
Because it's a thoroughly pagan day
dedicated to their god, Samhain.
(Just another name for Satan)
It's never had anything to do with Christ
It's a completely reprehensible and vile night
Given over to the worship of (the god of) death
and depravity and all kinds of nastiness.
As saints we should not celebrate it
for to Christ we are wholly consecrated
And besides, just because something is fun,
well, that's no reason to accept it
Satan's smart enough to make evil (sin) fun,
so lots of people won';t reject it (him)
If you open the door to him even an inch
He'll become your ruler
So even though sin looks alot cooler,
trust me God is far more fun and cool
than satan will ever be so
celebrate the days God set aside
and have nothing to do with Halloween...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...