Thursday, October 6, 2011

I am the Lord's tributary
flowing lower and lower still
Till we are one in Holy Spirit
and I'm fulfilling your will

May your heart's desires be satisfied in me
May we,   forever be,  in perfect unity
May your power, this very hour
Set the many, captives free

 Humbled, ever humbled,   may my heart ever be
That my Lord, who had no home, may find his home,     in me

And may many come to the light of all humanity
For you Lord, are ever risen,  O'er death in victory...

I was teaching social studies to my fifth graders and it talked about a tributary, which is a river or stream that flows into a larger River. I thought, that's us! The Holy Spirit is like a mighty river in the earth and we are smaller rivers that flow into him and become one with him, making him even mightier! Then it said all rivers flow down, from mountains to the sea, but always down. Again, that's us! We are ever becoming more and more humble and better servants, the longer we are with the Lord.
By the way, I get about a hundred and fifty hits a month on this blog, for which I'm grateful. If you have any questions about anything spiritual or biblical, send it to me in the comment section. Also, if you need prayer for anything, let me know, Just use your first name. I walk in the realm of the prophetic and I'd be happy to ask the Lord for a word for you. God Bless, Chris

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...