Thursday, October 13, 2011


Jerusalem, oh Jerusalem!
To you my heart consigns
To see your sight sublime!
And see your spires shine!
I long for you, my Holy Land,
           Jerusalem!     Jerusalem!

I lament that I walk not your paths
I long to touch your earth at last
I'll not know peace
I'll not know rest
I'll not know lasting happiness
Until my lips confess -

At long last I dwell within thy walls
At last I see thine enemies fall
At last I see thine Eastern gate
Welcome back thy royal prelate
When thy streets flow abundantly once again
with the fragrance and the steps of the Hope of all men!
Oh it is then -

Jerusalem! Jerusalem! Israel's heart! Israel's elation!
When Messiah is found in you -  oh such jubilation!
For it will mean the consecration
of the entire jewish nation;
making them Holy, making them free,
filling my heart with melodies!
Oh how I long to be
within thy walls for eternity!
Living under the rule of my now and future king
With the angels and the saints I will forever sing -
      Of thee, Jerusalem,
                             to whom my heart doth cling!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...