Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie
Turkey's in the oven and it smells fine
Mama's corn bread stuffing can't be beat
So many choices for us to eat!
There's buttermilk biscuits
and green bean cassarole
Granny's banana pudding
Hey! Fill my bowl!
There's honey glazed ham
and candied yams
And what did I forget? Let's see.....
Ah yes - that home made gravy!
And pecan and apple pie too,
We really should be thankful, oh God, to you!

I know we have much more to be thankful for than food, but let's face it, that's the one thing everyone has in common on this day. And for those of my readers not from the USA, I hope this poem gives you a glimpse of what Thanksgiving is like for us. It's really all about family. Sometimes this is the only time they all get together all year long. One reason is that it is always a four day holiday. But the other reason is that everyone will travel any distance, for no one dares to miss, granny's cooking. Not to mention mom's. Unless she lives in Hawaii and you happen to live in South Korea. The only thing I didn't add that is an essential part of every Thanksgiving, is the Dallas Cowboys playing football. Go Miami!

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