Thursday, November 17, 2011

We all start out small!

"Despise not the day of small beginnings"

Be you a king or a prophet
Be you Peter or Paul
One thing is assured -
We all start out small!

So remember this
when you've grown,
when you've arrived,
when you think you know -
Whatever heights of Glory you've reached,
don't get too proud or full of conceit.

Be you a pauper or a prince,
of this be convinced -
Whether you rise or whether you fall -
We all start out small!

We all need someone to care for us
We all need someone to share with us, 
when we're starting out
and truthfully, if you haven't already found out -
after we're grown,
we still can't make it on our own!

Be you a King or a prophet
Sit on a throne or clean bathroom stalls
One thing is true of us all -
We all start out small!

So don't puff that chest out too far in pride
You might be some V.I.P. on earth when you die
You think you're somebody right now   as you stand before men
But the day you stand face to face with God you won't feel quite so big, then
In fact, if I had to guess at all,
I'd say you'll be feeling rather small...

PS. This is why we grow weak when we're old, so we might come to know, oh, how we need Him so!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...