Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Be still to know Me more intimately
Let My touch refresh and restore thee
Let your soul now wait upon Me
And you will be strengthened, you'll see

Make your petitions and requests known
As you come here before My throne
Petition the One higher than you - your Eternal King
Share with Me your trials, your travailings
Your joys too
Share with Me whatever moves you
But also listen to hear what I have to say
As you come before Me to pray
I will speak to you in a voice most clear
For I will speak from inside you my dear
When My Holy Spirit cleanses away all silt
And My precious blood removes all shame and guilt
And you are flooded within by My Holy presence
You will not find anything in life more pleasant
Our union    My child     My blessing        My bride
Will cause you and I to be forever satisfied

                                 -   Your God      

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...