Monday, January 30, 2012


Seeing Kari's smile and hearing her laugh -
        B    L    E    S    S    E    D    !
Seeing Tiff blossom into an elegant and gracious woman -
        B    L    E    S    S    E    D    !
Having Sheryl near in every circumstance -
        B    L    E    S    S    E    D    !
Knowing the one who wrote the book of Romans -
        B    L    E    S    S    E    D    !
Creating a meal I've never had before -
        B    L    E    S    S    E    D    !
Hearing a new CD by Toby Mac -
        B    L    E    S    S    E    D    !
Feeling the sunlight's gentle warmth -
        B    L    E    S    S    E    D    !
Getting out my suitcase and starting to pack -
        B    L    E    S    S    E    D    !
Seeing countries and sights for the first time -
        B    L    E    S    S    E    D    !
Writing Holy Spirit infused prose -
        B    L    E    S    S    E    D    !
Knowing my Jesus inside this heart of mine -
        B    L    E    S    S    E    D    !
Being one through whom the river of God flows -

B     L     E     S     S     E     D     !!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Satan spoke to me this morning and he said "How could you follow someone who let me cause Job so much suffering?"
I say -
Satan I rebuke you - get behind me
From my voice you will flee
For over you I have authority
So do not continue to speak to me
Everything you say is a lie
To twist and pervert you try
You may quote God's word yet
But it's always to misinterpret
It's never for our good we musn't forget
You try to foment unrest and rebellion
I resist you, you lying hellion
With my Jesus I'm completely satisfied
You won't get me to despise him though you've tried and tried and tried
You've been totally beaten
You're far under my feet and
The dust of the earth is what you're eatin'
I won't receive anything you say
Your destiny is Hell and that's where you'll stay...

Monday, January 23, 2012

In Church -
Some are too silent
Some are too loud
Some are too humble
Some are too proud
Some are too late
Some are too early
Some ingratiate
While some are too surly
We all need balance in all we do or say
For balance is the path to maturity.

Don't take doctrines and make idols out of them
Conversely don't reject the Holy Spirit's acumen
Don't go too far in either direction
in either accepting or rejecting them.
Test the spirits to see if they're of God
Don't just reject a teaching because it sounds odd
Always seek to draw attention to God not yourself
Care for His family and God will care for yours as well
Always seek to make his name famous not your own
And don't seek to bring souls to church but rather before his throne...

"You can't choose who you are when you're born
but you can choose who you are when you die"

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Some days

Some days are meant for doin' nothin tat all
Lying in bed with a good book or hangin' with a pal
Curlin' up on the couch watchin' a good movie
Just being close to you is quite alright with me
Takin' a walk out in the sticks
Spreadin' a blanket for a picnic
Doin' a BBQ
or toastin' a marshmallow or two
Goin' to the spa
and just lyin' there aaaahhhhh....
Some days are meant for doin' nothin' strenuous at all...
Just restin' and relaxin'
with nothing much of anything happenin'
I can hear that book callin'
so I'm gonna quit stallin'
I got nothing at all to lose
by kickin' off these shoes
The chores'll have to wait
cause it's one of those days........

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Woe is me for my hurt!My wound is grievous!
Truly this is a grief and I must bear it.
Oh God, this wound cannot be healed
For it is here to remind me of what you've revealed
The pastors are become brutish, they are without understanding
They have not sought you, Lord, they do not obey what you're commanding
The flocks are now scattered into a thousand denominations
Swallowing doctrines that cause abominations
They mix the Holy and the profane
and they call upon you in vain
There's too many Saul's running the show, (and not enough Paul's)
too many Korah's who think they know
They resist your Spirit at every turn
when, oh my God, oh when will they learn?
It can be so hard, this burden I bear
I'm so alone without anyone to share
So many are blind and deaf and lame
Living fruitless, powerless lives to thier shame
Fully believing they're honoring your name
The don't even know the reason you came
Salvation from sin is half the gospel
You saved us to make the impossible possible
A miraculous life is our Divine inheritance
to emulate exactly the life that Jesus led
To always do and say what the Father does and says
This is the anointing available to the Bride that Jesus wed....

Friday, January 13, 2012

Line upon line
Precept upon precept
It takes time
To accept or reject
The revelation we daily ingest
Here a little, there a little
Fear a little, care a little
Our souls are lost or won
As we daily commune with the Son
Through His Spirit and His Word
Do you believe what you've heard?
Do you claim to be a believer?
Do you preach the gospel to every creature?
Do these signs follow you?
Do you cast out devils in the name of the Son?
Do you prophecy and speak with new tongues?
Do you take up serpents?
Do you drink any deadly thing without consequence?
Do you lay hands on the sick and see them recover?
Has God become your hearts true lover?
If none of these signs accompany you,
are you really a believer in Spirit and in Truth?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Psst! Want to know a secret?
The Lord can't resist me!
He's madly in love with me.
He really is!
Every little request I make -  He grants!
And He's constantly wanting to be with me -
He loves my company!
He tells me the most romantic things!
He whispers them to me when I'm still enough to hear Him.
He loves, loves, loves me!
Why just today, I asked him to let my daughter catch a fish, and she did!
He's holding my hand, all day long, walking and talking with me -
and my heart still beats a little faster when he draws near,
after all these years.
He's wild about me and he loves you just as much.
The secret is to long for His touch,
and when He pursues you, let Him catch you!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Like an eagle I soar
higher than I've been before
I'm reaching new heights
I'm seeing new sights
I'm experiencing new delights
There's nothing I'd rather do more
than wait on you, Lord.

But Lord I desire your people to be
soaring these new heights with me
I wish our people were completely free
from all earthly constraints and boundaries
Just as gravitys' a law that's been broken
by that eagle soaring so majestically
May your people be free of all Satan's spoken
so they may be pure doctrinally
Your doctrines liberate us to be just like you
so strong meat we will learn to chew
Oh God, oh God, set the captives loose
from all that keeps them from obeying you
I especially hate the doctrines devils teach
to saints sitting in pews so comfortably
Never fulfilling their God given destinies
Appearing before God as barren trees
Oh God, oh God may their hearts bow low
before the only God we should come to know
You'll rebuke every lie the devil's told
and make us righteous and holy and bold
Please awaken your people who are being harmed
to the fact they're poor and naked and lukewarm
And shut the mouths of all devils who fellowship
in churches where the holy and profane mix
May your people fear you eniough to submit
to the words that come only from your lips
and may the necessary change come to us quick
Thank you Lord that you are the solution
to all our demonic and fleshly pollution
To every restraint and bond that binds me

Heal my broken heart and my soul's bruise
Feeble though I am, I continue to choose
You my saving God who will not lose
every soul who has trusted in you.....

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Word of the Lord for Korea part two

This is the rest of the Word the Lord gave me for Korea on October 19, 2011. After he gave it to me, I mourned the fact that I didn't know of a church I could release it in. Most churches here in Korea are bound by Religion, as are most churches across the world. I'm sure there are churches here that would have received this prophetic word, I just don't know them. Anyway, this is the first time this has been shared publicly. Please read part one first if you haven't already.

Is:19:11 - "Surely the princes of Zoan (place of departure) are fools, the counsel of the wise counsellors of Pharoah is become brutish: how say ye unto Pharoah, I am the son of the, the son of ancient kings?"
We've switched to Egypt (from Assyria) but the analogy is the same - Pharoah represents Kim Jong Il and I believe that when judgment comes he will have very unwise counsellors who will lead him far astray and this will help to bring about his sudden downfall.
V. 12  will be said over him and his "wise men" "Where are they? Where are thy wise men? And let them tell thee now, and let them know what the Lord of Hosts hath purposed upon Egypt (Kim Jong Il and his wicked regime).
Now, I looked at Jeremiah 10:19 - "Woe is me for my hurt! My wound is grievous: but I said, truly this is a grief and I must bear it". This verse is for me and it is very personal and I won't go into detail but it has to do partly with verse 21 - "For the pastors are become brutish, and have not sought the Lord: therefore they shall not prosper, and all their flocks shall be scattered".
Jer:19:11 - To be spoken against North Korea - "And shalt say unto them, thus saith the Lord of Hosts; even so will I break this people (all who resist him) and this city, as one breaketh a potter's vessel, that cannot be made whole again: and they shall bury them in Tophet (a drum, because the cries of children here sacraficed by the priests of Moloch were drowned by the noise of such an instrument, or "to burn" and hence a place of burning) till there be no place to bury".
He (Kim Jong Il) is being judged, most especially for his crimes against children.
Lord, who am I? Send me. We can only be sent when we are purged completely of pride and self-importance and we no longer have an identity apart from him. We say to him, who am I? Meaning, I don't and can't truly know who I am until I know who you are and i find myself lost in you completely, Lord.
At this point I looked at the clock and it said 2:19am. The Lord then instructed me to look up Daniel 2:19 & 20, 2:19 for me to receive right then, how exciting! And verses 20-23 to declare out loud and verse 30 to remind me to remain humble. Verse 21 is especially appropriate in light of the previous revelations herein from Isaiah and Jeremiah (Date) and now Daniel (time) which makes sense because this verse mentions "Times and seasons" and "removing and setting up kings" (again, remember, God is pronouncing judgment on Kim Jong Il through this word). He reveals the "deep and secret things" - without him, we cannot know wisdom or understanding, Amen.
V. 47 - is the desired result, heathen see and hear God's word and then know him as (the) not (a) God of gods and Lord of kings!
Verse 42 - Korea is like this now.
I saw after, I glanced at Francis Chan's book and I saw this -
"A person who is obsessed with Jesus knows that the sin of pride is always a battle. Obsessed people know that you can never be "humble enough" and so they SEEK TO MAKE THEMSELVES LESS KNOWN AND MAKE CHRIST MORE KNOWN.

That is the end of this word I received on Oct:19, 2011. Since then, Kim Jong Il has been removed from office and I fully expect great change to come to the North of Korea very soon. I expect the anointed Word of the Lord to be published throughout the north and there is nothing man can do to stop it. It will be a very powerful catalyst for change, like a sledge hammer it will smash to pieces all satan has worked hard to build and establish and very suddenly, in one day, satan's kingdom in the north will fall, never to rise again. My prayer is that when freedom comes to this people so malnourished both physically and from the Word of God, that religious christians will not flood the country with their dead religion they call "christianity". I want the Holy Spirit to flood the country and no other spirit that guises itself as Holy and from God but is in reality satan's spirit in disguise. So believe this with me and pray along these lines, brethren, whoever you be that God has led to read these words. Selah.
Chris 1/4/2012 Yang Pyeong, Korea

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Word of the Lord for Korea

The following Word was given to me on 10/19/11 from 1:15am to 2:45am. I didn't feel led to release it publicly till now. Keep in mind, Kim Jong Il, the former leader of North Korea, recently  died of a heart attack.

Lord, you'd do anything to save them now just as you did then, when you died for them on the cross. You live for them today, these Koreans. You are just as passionate to see them saved as you were on the day you died for them. Use me as a sign - use me as a vessel of salvation for this nation, these people, please. Thank you for sharing your heart with me. You love them just as much today as the day you died for them.
I pray she would be blown away by your presence within her (at this point I'm interceding for a young lady i know who does not have the baptism of the Holy Spirit, she's been heavy on my heart for weeks. She ultimately chose to reject the baptism of the Holy Spirit, with his gifts, sadly) let her receive all you have for her, and so - this nation. May she humble herself before you. (the Lord showed me that Korea also needs the baptism of the Holy Spirit, that most Korean christians do not know the Holy Spirit and do not walk in the spirit, so the young lady I'm interceding for is a type or a stand in for the nation of Korea).
I thank you Lord that your mighty right arm is just as strong to save today as always, as at any point in the past. You can save as many or more right now here in Korea as you've done anywhere in history at anytime in history. We need miracles. There is nothing you can't do. You are great in the earth today, you are found to be lacking nothing, perfect in all your ways. Mighty to save, mighty to save. I wait on you Lord, I wait on you (at this point I quietly waited, in an attitude of worship, for the Word of the Lord to come. After about twenty minutes -)
I speak shalom to North Korea, shalom will cover you - your prayers are heard. Your prayers are answered. None shall be left behind, every tear has been counted. I have wept with you, saith the Lord and you shall not be destitute any longer. No more shall you be barren of the things of my Spirit. No more shall you lack for the hearing of my Word for my Word is mighty to the breaking down of strongholds and my Word shall never return to me void but shall bear much fruit for who can stand in the Day of the Lord? Who can stand against me and live? Who can resist my Word when it goes forth from the mouth of my prophet? It will accomplish that whereunto I send it and I declare this day Satan's kingdom has fallen and all the earth shall know it and all shall see what I am doing in Korea.
By the Spirit I was then led to look up Isaiah and Jeremiah 10:19 & 19:11 based on today's date - 10/19/11. Here is what I found -
Is:10:19 - "And the rest of the trees of his forest shall be few, that a child may write them". This is the tail end of a judgment against Assyria "The rod of hypocrites, for his pride shall be broken". This describes Kim Jong Il, full of pride and a hypocrite. It is also a judgment on what he is most proud of, his military might. This verse, with the two preceding it, is for him. "And the light of Israel (Jesus) shall be for a fire, and his Holy One for a flame; and it shall burn and devour his thorns and his briers in one day" "And shall consume the glory of his forest, and of his fruitful field, both soul and body: and they shall be as when a standard bearer fainteth". All this speaks of the judgment God has now pronounced on Kim Jong Il, not the north. Well, yes the north but for their good. The thorns and briers God speaks of are the military and police who hold the nation in fear. "His forest" is a reference to his army he has amassed. They're about to be consumed and will not be able to stand against the Lord in the day of Judgment which, will, praise God, happen very quickly "in one day". Hallelujah!

IN my next blog, I will publish part two of this prophetic pronouncement for Korea. God Bless his Holy Word, Selah, Chris

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...