Monday, January 23, 2012

In Church -
Some are too silent
Some are too loud
Some are too humble
Some are too proud
Some are too late
Some are too early
Some ingratiate
While some are too surly
We all need balance in all we do or say
For balance is the path to maturity.

Don't take doctrines and make idols out of them
Conversely don't reject the Holy Spirit's acumen
Don't go too far in either direction
in either accepting or rejecting them.
Test the spirits to see if they're of God
Don't just reject a teaching because it sounds odd
Always seek to draw attention to God not yourself
Care for His family and God will care for yours as well
Always seek to make his name famous not your own
And don't seek to bring souls to church but rather before his throne...

"You can't choose who you are when you're born
but you can choose who you are when you die"

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...