Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I was at the fish pond the other day.
I was there with Tiffany and Kari.
They fished Korean style - it was fun,
just kickin' back in the afternoon sun.
It got more exciting still when Kari caught one!
Now the policy of this particular pond is
after you catch em' you throw them back in -
So the fish feels kinda like he's been born again!
But too many churches have a similar policy.
When souls come in they end up getting fleeced.
They refuse to care for and disciple them
but instead throw them into religion,
and that, my reader, is a sin.
They should become partakers of Christ's wealth,
taught and discipled by the Holy Spirit himself.
They should be citizens of Heaven - not religion.
They should soar like eagles not be chickens in a pen.
They should bear much fruit unto Him
who first bought them
with His precioius blood.
They should with Him, with Truth, fall in love...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...