Saturday, April 14, 2012

Unless a seed falls to the ground and dies it cannot bear fruit
It's the same with us - unless we die to fleshly pursuits
We will remain barren, unable to reproduce
As the firstborn among many brethren, Jesus taught us this
When he died and was buried then rose to eternal bliss
As the second Adam he's the progenitor of a new race
Able to fellowship with the Father and meet him face to face

In fact, the same example was set by Joseph
Who died to his old life when thrown in the pit
Then rose to bear much fruit from worldwide promenance
Much fruit indeed, for which our Lord has been the source
His body has been the soil from which we have all sprung forth
But unlike the first Adam, Jesus is obedient and wise
And so remains in fellowship with his Father in paradise
We too are called to bear fruit unto his name
The call to Christ and the call to us is exactly the same
If you want to prove to the Lord your everlasting worth
Then let the soil of your heart be found to be good earth

His Word is the seed by which many believe
But it first must be planted in us deeply
And then bear fruit in our soul and life
Before others eat of it and it tastes right
The Word in us must come to maturity
It must ripen before it tastes sweet
Though at all times it remains anointed indeed
It's better if it matures in our hearts before they eat

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...