Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Your mercies are renewed every morning
My soul you are always restoring
You attend unto my prayer
You show that you care
with each new days dawning
My God, you're so good to me
You've created me so thoughfully
You attend unto my destiny
I'm on your mind continually
from the womb to the tomb,
Your love blooms mightily!
Your heart is towards me, daily
Your right arm is strong enough to save
You've numbered each of our days
Oh God, we give you praise!
We're the weak and feeble ones
yet you keep us from the evil one
Though like sheep we're led to the slaughter
We're ressurected daily by our Holy Father
You breath sustains us each day
in our frailties   your strength saves
This is why we may now say
We love your words and we love your ways.....

Thursday, July 26, 2012

And the trees of the fields will clap their hands
at the return of the Son of Man
Like a lightning flash he'll split the sky
and gather us up in the blink of an eye.
The angel will sound the trumpet blast
as we go home at last.
It will be
the most shocking event in history,.
The newscasts will report in amazement
"It's the opposite of an alien invasion"
"Mass numbers of people fleeing the planet"
"What does it mean? I don't understand it!"
They'll spout conjectures and theories by the ton -
"Aliens have kidnapped the chosen ones"
Some will speak of the "Christian rapture"
and many will then cry out to the Master -
but like Noah's ark it will be too late.
Like those on the outside they'll have sealed their fate,
though on the ark they kept pounding and pounding.
The last generation's fate will be much worse than drowning.
The hospitals and jails will run out of room,
as the last generation faces their doom.
The wicked will cry out to God - "it's not fair",
only to find he's turned a deaf ear.
They'll curse him and blame him,
they'll become incensed,
but through it all they will not repent.
They'll weep and they'll wail
and their hearts will fail.
They'll gnash their teeth
but find no relief.
When they stand before the Judgment seat
where the Judge of souls sits,
no accusations will then escape their lips.
They'll know in that moment they've chosen the wrong path
as they come face to face with their God and his wrath.
If you want mercy in that time and place
then at this time and place do not hesitate
to surrender your heart to Him and his will
that you may now in your lifetime fulfill
all his desires and plans for your life.
Now when you meet Him then
it won't be the first time.
He's well aware of all that's inside
so from him don't try to hide
(there's no fig leaf big enough, anyway!)
but come to Him now while you still have time,
while you still can breathe
while you still can cry.....
fall on your face
let mercy and grace
take you all the way home to the place
he's prepared by his love
for the whole human race.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

It isn't an option or a choice.
It's vital to our future survival.
Humility. Teachableness.
Both, when embraced
will lead to the change we must face
If we can't be corrected
we become disconnected
from our life line to Heaven -
who leads us and guides us
but if we quit following
we become quickly lost.
Maturity brings great change.
We don't want to stay the same.

What if the truth contradicts
your church's doctrines and edicts?
Will you swallow it and be set free
or evacuate the truth from your destiny?
You've got to face the fact     that
not all you believe is fact.        No,
much of what you've been sold
is fool's gold.
It tickles the ears
and sounds good to hear
but it's earthly wisdom
that the flesh holds dear
but doesn't produce.....
It isn't an option or a choice.
It's vital to your future survival.
Humility. Teachableness.....

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I'm so full of shame
I approach you with dread
Then you say my name
and with love instead
You place your hand of blessing upon my head!
Oh Abba, I was so afraid
I wanted to hide and run away
but you took me back and forgave
I deserve to be
punished severely
But I see now so clearly
You love me so dearly!
You choose to forgive       that I might live
forever by your side 
You were crucified
but you gained your bride
Now I am yours and you are mine

Let us share   the bread and the wine....

Monday, July 9, 2012

Be   Saved

Misty mountains              Shenendoah
Morning finds me              breathing free
air so sweet              I'll never know a
nother place so good for me

A man he knows his place
when lookin' at a mountain's face
When walkin' in a forest deep
a man can finally know peace

Here in the wild
I know I'm God's child
I'm reminded with every step, every view
that Lord, I belong to you

Sunshine never felt so good
surrounded by what God's made
A man can realize he should
let his soul be saved

Be   Saved.......

Thursday, July 5, 2012

What a beautiful miracle life is!
What a wonderful gift God did give
when he breathed into Adam that he might live!
Oh how awesome is every heartbeat, every breath,
proving to us his faithfulness
and his eternal desire to bless!
I don't want to squander what he's given,
this incredible life i'm livin'.
I want to be a son he's proud of,
someone he'll talk about and love
and dance over with joy!
I want to be a good  boy.
Daddy, take back all I've taken from you -
my heart and my flesh are yours, it's true.
When did I wander? When did I stray?
No matter how far, take me back today.....

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...