Sunday, July 22, 2012

It isn't an option or a choice.
It's vital to our future survival.
Humility. Teachableness.
Both, when embraced
will lead to the change we must face
If we can't be corrected
we become disconnected
from our life line to Heaven -
who leads us and guides us
but if we quit following
we become quickly lost.
Maturity brings great change.
We don't want to stay the same.

What if the truth contradicts
your church's doctrines and edicts?
Will you swallow it and be set free
or evacuate the truth from your destiny?
You've got to face the fact     that
not all you believe is fact.        No,
much of what you've been sold
is fool's gold.
It tickles the ears
and sounds good to hear
but it's earthly wisdom
that the flesh holds dear
but doesn't produce.....
It isn't an option or a choice.
It's vital to your future survival.
Humility. Teachableness.....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...