Wednesday, October 31, 2012

We've become like a bunch of Greek philosophers.
Instead of grabbing all that life has to offer,
we'd rather observe it than do it,
talk about others going through it.
We fake life on TV and in movies,
we watch life being parodied,
or we watch another's reality
while we sit passively.

We try so hard to capture the moment for future memories
that we fail to live up to the moment's fullest possibility.
If you take a picture to remember it
just make sure you haven't missed living it...

Saturday, October 27, 2012

I've always wanted to rhyme
Just one time
within a poem of mine -
The word "Blunderbuss".
Without making too much of a fuss,
it's just that to me,
the word sounds funny.
It's almost as fun as "Platypus"
or "Chartreuse"
or even "Mongoose".
Well, I've had my fun, I hope you didn't mind
at least I didn't say "Justice is blind"
or some other worn cliche
that sounds wise but isn't really...

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Who is a God like unto Thee
that pardons iniquity
and passes by the transgression
of the remnant of His heritage?
That chooses not to curse but instead to bless?
You retain not your anger forever
because You delight in mercy -
oh my God how I delight in Thee!
Oh my God You dwell in the high and Holy place
with all who seek Your face,
with all who have a contrite and humble spirit -
now revive the spirit of the humble,
help them not to stumble,
revive the hearts of your contrite ones
those who do not shun           
You,      who restores comfort to those who mourn
while the world laughs us to scorn,
You, yes You our mighty God
see all and hear all
and you will not leave us or forsake us
Your inheritance, Your people,
the fruit of Your womb,
the joy of your heart -
Behold, your beloved is fair,
fair is Your beloved,
she has dove's eyes
oh love's eyes,
seek us    with desire
oh Most fair on high
Until the day breaks
and shadows flee away
I am with You my beloved
and with You I want to stay
I will get me to the mountain of Myrrh
and to the hill of Frankincense
Where we'll celebrate our love so intense.
There is no spot in You, no imperfection,
You alone are perfect, my ressurection.
Thank You, for out of us,
out of Zion, the perfection of beauty,
You have shined in these dark days
You have shone
that You have not left us in this world alone
We give You our highest Praise
oh Ancient of Days..............

Monday, October 15, 2012

You'd better conquer the world before the world conquers you
It'll drag you in and suck you up till you haven't got a clue
that you even need to be rescued.
The power to resist
comes from this -
To Jesus you must submit.
And to The Father and His Spirit
If you bow to Him,
give up all rebellion within,
as He invades you,
the world will flee He who
conquered it long ago
when on the cross He rose,
was lifted up above
this filthy, fallen world
suspended between Heaven and earth
belonging to neither, at that moment
Proving His worth
though born of flesh
it did not possess
his heart or soul
this I know
He is the key
to victory
over this world's depravity
it's sinful gravity
pulling us down
Die through Him to it's lusts and desires
it's unholy fires
that we might live by Him
forever more   
His story
for He
delights in showing mercy...
                             Micah 7:18

Monday, October 8, 2012

Countries can be
like people, you see,
petulant and childish
or filled with maturity.
The story is told
by how they treat
their young and their old.
And their prisons will tell
if all is well.
Are they humane
or do they show disdain?
To their fellow man
do they do what they can
for the poor, the distraught,
to alleviate suffering?
Or do they cause it rather than banish it?
These questions must be asked
for a nation to receive God's blessing.
If you care for your nation's welfare than care for your neighbor's.
Is your neighbor's welfare something you give thought for
or do you only care for yours?

Monday, October 1, 2012

Eccl: 1:18

The more wisdom I receive
the more I grieve.
The Truth is ravaged and bloody
and difficult to see.
Oh God!   This burden I carry!
I long for someone to share it with me.
Instead I'm shunned and mocked scornfully.
How have the mighty fallen!
How have the called out ones
refused to come out!
Oh how the blind and deaf think they're perfect!
Oh God, my heart cannot bear my people's shame!
So many make the claim
they are Your's today
but they will not obey.
They refuse to follow
but follow their religion instead.
How can they be rescued?
If they will not receive Truth?
Rescue them, deliver them, oh God may they come to know you!

The Lord be Magnified....

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...