Monday, October 15, 2012

You'd better conquer the world before the world conquers you
It'll drag you in and suck you up till you haven't got a clue
that you even need to be rescued.
The power to resist
comes from this -
To Jesus you must submit.
And to The Father and His Spirit
If you bow to Him,
give up all rebellion within,
as He invades you,
the world will flee He who
conquered it long ago
when on the cross He rose,
was lifted up above
this filthy, fallen world
suspended between Heaven and earth
belonging to neither, at that moment
Proving His worth
though born of flesh
it did not possess
his heart or soul
this I know
He is the key
to victory
over this world's depravity
it's sinful gravity
pulling us down
Die through Him to it's lusts and desires
it's unholy fires
that we might live by Him
forever more   
His story
for He
delights in showing mercy...
                             Micah 7:18

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...