Friday, December 21, 2012

Floating Up

Walking in the Spirit
lightens my burden
I turn to Him
whenever I'm hurtin'
Within my heart
he and I sup
and I realize
I'm floating up

 Upward bound
Upward trajectory
High above ground
I'm soaring free

I don't look down
but keep my eye
On the One who blazed a trail
through the welcoming sky
The One who flew before me
on whose wings I rise

When trials come
as I know they must
I don't come undone
I don't raise a fuss
For this I know -
In this truth I trust,
when I fall,
I'm falling up!

Upward bound
                                                                    Upward trajectory
                                                                   High above ground
                                                                  I'm soaring free
                                                                 I don't look down
                                                                but keep my eye
                                                               on the One who blazed a trail
                                                              to this pristine sky
                                                             the One who flew before me
                                                            on whose wings I am soaring
                                                           who will ever live and not die

The Higher I rise
the more I see
I'm not going home            no
my home's coming to me
For his very throne
is in my heart
To God I'm known
from the very start

I'm floating up
like a Spirit-filled balloon
Yes I'm floating up
and I know that very soon
I'll meet Him here
in the midst of the sky
He'll wipe each tear
from the midst of my eyes
And I'll never
know pain again
because our union
will never end............

(Down floats the dust but I'm floating up)

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...