Wednesday, December 12, 2012

We're unlearning even as we're learning.
We're discarding things we've been taught
     when we haven't been discerning.
Even as we receive, we're busy removing
     things not given by God.
At the same time we're unraveling
     the ropes of doctrine
the enemy's using to bind us to falsehoods,
   we're braiding the rope
the Holy Spirit's unveiling
  to tie us to all He's revealing that's good.
Even as we're tearing up the plantings
from the devil's seeding,
the seeds God's planted
we're nurturing and watering.
As we tear down with one hand,
we're building up with the other,
ousting all that is of Satan's kingdom
while embracing all that God's uncovered.
This duality
is our reality.
Pain and pleasure
are what we live with daily.
We make this confession -
We carry within the same breast,
both our cross (our death)
and our ressurection,
both joy and sadness,
both sorrow and gladness,
both defeat and victory,
but in Christ, it all will be
for our blessing.
So Amen good brethren!
Continue the fight,
continue the struggle
to do what is right.
Though sin and godliness
play tug o' war within,
never stop struggling
to let Holiness win......

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...