Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Everyday it's good to take pause
and give to the Lord our heart's applause.
Just take a moment or two or three
and rise up upon your knees
and tell the Lord you're pleased!
Thank him most profusely.
Praise him for this day you're living.
Be grateful that he's so forgiving.
Laud him with superlatives,
sacrafice the calves of your lips,
in sincere adoration and worship.
Let your soul dance before him.
Tell him of what you're imploring.
But do not ever stop storing
up in your heart love and praise
for the One who's granted your days.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

I love winter scenes
of iced over streams
snow-laden branches
Oh how winter entrances!

I like a sleigh ride
through a country side
dressed in white
the pony's breath visible
the moonlit snow all aglow
the hot apple cider
awaiting me at home

The roaring fire
in the fire place
The soaring smile
on my child's face
The Christmas lights
and manger scene
The silent nights
so serene
The clearest stars
I've ever seen
The carefully thought out gifts
Winter is not to be missed!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

There's a fine line between faith and foolishness
And the only way to stay in one and avoid the other
Is to continually hear the voice of the Father
For really, without his Spirit's guidance
we all end up in a spiritual mess.
Often what we deem to be wise
is really just another spiritual compromise.
And what we think are the rantings of a fool
turn out to be wisdom right out of God's school.
So don't lean on your own understanding
but follow the Lord with all your heart.
Choose the wisdom of God over that of man
even if it means you become an outcast.
Make obedience to Him your life's goal
and He will faithfully guide you home....

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Raise your child right
and later on they won't bite.
Raise them wrong
and you'll regret it your whole life long.
Who they turn out to be
has a lot to do with you,   you see.
No, we can't blame everything on the parents
but this much is apparent -
We can instill discipline, dignity and integrity in a child,
or we can just let them run wild.
We can raise them on a diet of God's Word
or we can just let them run with the herd.
I know that sometimes you do all you can
and your child still chooses rebellion
but even then -
Do spiritual warfare over your child,
fight the good fight of faith.
Beat back the darkness trying to claim their soul.
Don't allow demonic toys, books, movies or TV shows.
The results can be dramatic, I know,
But after all is said and done,
sometimes you have to let the prodigal son
go his own way,
never giving up the hope
he'll turn back one day
to the path he should be on.
Believe for your child no matter what they've done...

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

It's midwinter.
It appears as if death has come to each tree in this wilderness.
It's cold enough to freeze my breath.
The trees appear to be lifeless
but I know appearances can be misleading,
for the outer shell is merely concealing
the life that still flows within.
These trees aren't dead but hibernating.
A bruised reed you will not break.
A wounded soul you will not forsake.
Though we appear to be devoid of grace and mercy,
yet still we are not abandoned,
still we are not forsook.
The day will come - take a second look,
when we'll bloom again, when we'll come alive
to all that Christ won - for us a great prize,
for him a soul now healthy and wise...

Friday, January 4, 2013

For my beautiful wife, Sheryl -

Fireflies and evening skies
The setting sun seen in your eyes
Gently, the night wraps her cloak
around us as we pause to soak
the evening's calm and solitude.
It's nice just being with you.

The stars come out, one by two
slyly winking as if to prove
Even the stars like flirting with you.
Sometimes it's good this thought to absorb -
there's life beyond this shining blue orb.
Our bodies will one day rise and soar
where our hearts have pioneered before
But for now it is enough
that you are near and I have your touch.
That last breath, yes that last one too,
are sweeter because I am with you.

The lake beyond our sloping lawn
has settled into a restful calm.
Nature's soothing symphony
is carried to us on this nightly breeze.
No words are spoken, none are needed.
Knowledge passes unimpeded.
With but a touch, a look,
our love trancends
beyond the realm of human ken.
I'm as content as I am with paper and pen....

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...