Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Raise your child right
and later on they won't bite.
Raise them wrong
and you'll regret it your whole life long.
Who they turn out to be
has a lot to do with you,   you see.
No, we can't blame everything on the parents
but this much is apparent -
We can instill discipline, dignity and integrity in a child,
or we can just let them run wild.
We can raise them on a diet of God's Word
or we can just let them run with the herd.
I know that sometimes you do all you can
and your child still chooses rebellion
but even then -
Do spiritual warfare over your child,
fight the good fight of faith.
Beat back the darkness trying to claim their soul.
Don't allow demonic toys, books, movies or TV shows.
The results can be dramatic, I know,
But after all is said and done,
sometimes you have to let the prodigal son
go his own way,
never giving up the hope
he'll turn back one day
to the path he should be on.
Believe for your child no matter what they've done...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...