Wednesday, February 27, 2013

You can never recapture your childhood
no matter how hard you try
Those days have faded away,
they've long since passed you by.
But what you can do
is continue
to have a child like sense of wonder
at the vastness of this Holy God we're all under.
You can reminisce with a certain fondness
but if you dwell too long
on what is gone,
it's the present you'll be missing out on.
You had your chance,
now focus on giving your children the best childhood you can.
It's their time to shine            forth
brightly into this dark world.
It's their time to see God's banner of love
over them fully unfurled.
It's their time to rejoice together with you
at this wonderful gift called "life"
that God has graciously imbued.
Hand in hand, heart to heart,
embrace life together
and your children will go far......

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...