Saturday, March 30, 2013

Just People

We're all at our best when we're just people,
sharing our walk with God with each other.
No titles, no agendas except to love one another.
Simply experiencing Him,
then sharing with our spiritual kin,
all He does and says is pretty much what Jesus did,
along with heartfelt, passionate prayer.

We shouldn't "have" church but rather "be" church -
let Jesus have us, have his way with us,
that He may speak to and touch us
through each member of the Body.
There is nobody, not even one,
who is not relevant, who is not heaven sent.
In Christ, each is a rich vein,
through which He flows.
A vein that if mined,
reveals gems sublime and gold.
This is how we become whole,
by extending his blood and forgiveness,
to every soul....

In His Body, every cell is connected to and touches every other cell.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...