Saturday, April 27, 2013

"Honor the doers"
All those who are co-laborers with Christ,
laying down their life
in sacrafice
For the Father's will
to be fulfilled...

These are the ones
that get things done.
That don't just sit around
twiddling their thumbs,
getting fat and lazy,

Honor the doers,
the shakers and movers,
whose faith is mightily
casting mountains into seas.
Miracles are the diet
they subsist on daily,
for miracles can't help but be
our day to day reality
when God lives in us abundantly,
when He knows us intimately,
try it and see......

Friday, April 19, 2013

Sometimes there's nothing to be done but the doing
Pull on your boots, set forth the sail
or you might end up ruing
the fact that you've failed
There's a time to rest, a time to recline
but sometimes its best to spread your wings and fly...
"Arise and be doing" as Joshua said
or the day will come when you'll regret
setting back and taking your ease
for it could one day lead
to poverty...

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Shout with the angels,
rejoice on high -
Your presence, oh Lord,
We're so pleased,
we're so happy,
we get to be
with you, Eternally.

Thank you for our spiritual language
for human words cannot pay homage
to the One we worship's greatness...

But how we'll try,
while on this side
of Eternity,
to ascribe
to the one who died
at Calvary
that for which he is worthy -
Our highest praise and adoration,
our gratitude and elation
for our everlasting salvation!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The only work for which you're meant
is believe on Him whom the Father sent.
Everything else stems from this,
without this you can do nothing of consequence.
The power comes from the anointing,
without which you'll surely be disappointing
your God and yourself.

The miracles, the wonder and the mystery,
will entertwine in your heart deeply.
As deep calls to deep, you'll be set free
from the false identity,
you embrace so easily....
The "you" that dwelt with God,
long before the you that you are now came to be,
will blossom and shine forth brightly
for both God and man to see...
The one will be filled with joy.
The other will try to destroy.
But fear not little flock
for man cannot touch what God has bought
with His own blood
and sealed with his Holy Spirit of love...

The redeemed who have dreamed
of eternal ecstasy
will soon be caught up in a rapturous jubilee
that will forever be
their reality.....

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Here's a good philosophy -
The key is there is no key.
There is no secret trump card to our spirituality.
There is no 5 step plan,
to becoming the perfect christian.
Simply spending time with our Lord each day,
keeping your heart open to what he has to say,
sharing your moments, sharing your life,
sharing your joy, sharing your strife,
this is all you're required to do -
let the Father know you.
Let him have your heart.
Obey him, love wisdom and you will start to understand -
"Wisdom is justified of her children"

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...