Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The only work for which you're meant
is believe on Him whom the Father sent.
Everything else stems from this,
without this you can do nothing of consequence.
The power comes from the anointing,
without which you'll surely be disappointing
your God and yourself.

The miracles, the wonder and the mystery,
will entertwine in your heart deeply.
As deep calls to deep, you'll be set free
from the false identity,
you embrace so easily....
The "you" that dwelt with God,
long before the you that you are now came to be,
will blossom and shine forth brightly
for both God and man to see...
The one will be filled with joy.
The other will try to destroy.
But fear not little flock
for man cannot touch what God has bought
with His own blood
and sealed with his Holy Spirit of love...

The redeemed who have dreamed
of eternal ecstasy
will soon be caught up in a rapturous jubilee
that will forever be
their reality.....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...