Wednesday, August 28, 2013

We're all just fellow travelers on the road of life.
Tryin' to make it through and do what we know is right.
So keep in mind,
as you're passin' time  -
Death is not the finish line...
After our bodies die,
the inside comes out.
Then we realize
what we're really about.
What we say and do in life's first stage
will go a long way to determine our heritage.
So treat your fellow travelers with love and respect.
Serve them, do not hurt them, be circumspect.
And God will welcome you to rise up, not go below
because you will find that what you sow in this life you will reap in the next....

Authors comment: We do not reap Eternal Life by our good works or deeds....that is ours through the gracious shed blood of Jesus alone....however, we do determine the width and breadth of our reward in Glory by our behavior here on earth....

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Father Knows Best

The same wind that's sent to resist you
can also be sent to assist you...
The same One that's sent to reveal you,
when you repent, will heal and conceal you...

Choose you this day the Blessing or the Curse,
choose you this day whom you will serve
but carefully listen to the remainder of my words -

The day is fast approaching
when your choice will be taken from you
and then what will you do?

Like a child looking upon his mother's face
let your soul now be fully embraced
by God's tender mercies, forgiveness and grace...

He wants you to choose Life over death.
He wants to impart His righeousness.
If you choose not to curse but rather to bless
your lips with mine will always confess -

This truth -  Father Knows Best!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Our life is like a staircase.
We can choose if we want to go down towards Hell or up towards Heaven.
We all know that going down stairs is easier than going up.
So that is why we need God.
If we choose to go down then God is on every step trying to turn us around so that we go up, towards Heaven.
If we choose to go up then God is on every step encouraging us and blessing  us.
If we stumble or fall God isnt going to leave us.
He will help us up and CATCH US IF WE FALL.
So which way will you choose?

This was a word given by the Lord to my eleven year old daughter, Karianna Michelle, recently.
She also recently said, and I quote, "In this world, our reward is the joy of helping other people".

Her words really bless me. She really does have a heart to help others. And when she said God will catch us if we fall, it really blessed me because the very first poem I wrote as a Christian was titled "Love will catch us when we fall".

Thursday, August 15, 2013

When my heart fades
and I have no more days
Receive me,   receive me...

When my mind has gone
and I sing no more songs
Receive me,   receive me...

Make me who you want me to be
Meet me on the stormy sea
Sooth my soul with words of beauty
Touch my eyes that I might see
Can I come to the place
where I see your face
I'm needy,    I'm needy...

I'm poor, blind and lame
and if not for your name
oh I'd be,    yes I'd be

Destitute for all of my days
Unclean in all of my ways
Unable to give you praise
Unable to hear and obey

Jesus - rescue me!

(from mediocrity)

You hear my prayer
I will respect you Jesus
You are my Savior

A Haiku by my daughter Karianna, age 9

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Could'nt if I tried
That is, lay down and die.
Cause truth to tell
I died a long time ago, well
Living is dying and dying is living
which one you do is your decision.
Cling to this brief breath you call your life
and soon you'll find you've lost the right
to become who you're meant to be
instead you've chosen a calamity.
Let go of all you hold dear
give it up - let's be clear,
all that mankind values is in fact
worthless drivel, unfit for eternal tears, Jack...

Forgotten, soon after you've checked out
You won't be thinking about
What you've left behind,
No, what'll be on your mind
Will be all you could've gleaned
if you'd only accepted
your God's generosity....


Sunday, August 4, 2013

I'll never quit!

I refuse to lose!
You know it's true -
whatever you choose
is up to you....
but I,  I refuse to lose!

I won't quit though I fall on my face.
I won't quit, no I'll finish this race!
First or last place, I've made up my mind -
I'm gonna cross the finish line!

Whatever obstacles get in my way,
they'll be removed whenever I pray.
Yes, I'll keep tryin' like ol' Wile. E. Coyote,
till I've accomplished all God's told me...

I refuse to lose
You can bet on it
Because I choose


 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...