Wednesday, August 28, 2013

We're all just fellow travelers on the road of life.
Tryin' to make it through and do what we know is right.
So keep in mind,
as you're passin' time  -
Death is not the finish line...
After our bodies die,
the inside comes out.
Then we realize
what we're really about.
What we say and do in life's first stage
will go a long way to determine our heritage.
So treat your fellow travelers with love and respect.
Serve them, do not hurt them, be circumspect.
And God will welcome you to rise up, not go below
because you will find that what you sow in this life you will reap in the next....

Authors comment: We do not reap Eternal Life by our good works or deeds....that is ours through the gracious shed blood of Jesus alone....however, we do determine the width and breadth of our reward in Glory by our behavior here on earth....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...